9月26日下午,德国弗莱堡大学Bernhard Breit教授应邀做客新澳门六合彩资料 瓯江学术论坛,学院化学系主任夏远志教授及相关师生参加讲座。
Bernhard Breit教授作了题为“Supramolecular Concepts in Homogeneous Catalysis”的主题报告,主要介绍了他课题组在过渡金属催化剂以及配体设计等领域的研究工作。教授在报告中讲述了合成各种不同复杂金属催化剂,配体的方法及其合成原理和金属催化剂的应用等。
会后,Bermhard Breit教授与参会师生就相关问题进行了深入讨论。此次的讲座使新澳门六合彩资料 师生开阔了眼界,了解金属催化剂的重要性,讲座在热烈的掌声中顺利结束。
Bernhard Breit教授简介:
Bernhard Breit studied chemistry at the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, where he obtained his doctorate in 1993 with Professor Regitz. After postdoctoral training with Professor Trost at Stanford University, he worked in Marburg, Germany, with Professor R. W. Hoffmann to obtain his habilitation in 1998. In 1999 he was appointed as an Associate Professor at the University of Heidelberg, Germany. Since 2001 he has been a Full Professor of Organic Chemistry (Chair) at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg i. Brsg.
His research interests focus on the exploration and development of catalytic methods for organic synthesis, and its application in target oriented synthesis. He is author of more than 200 publications.