祝贺陈锡安和黄少铭老师指导研究生在Advanced Science上发表学术论文 | |||
日期:2018-01-10阅读:1694次 | |||
标题:Molybdenum Carbide Nanoparticles Coated into the Graphene Wrapping N-Doped Porous Carbon Microspheres for Highly Efficient Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution Both in Acidic and Alkaline Media Abstact:Molybdenum carbide (Mo2C) is recognized as an alternative electrocatalyst to noble metal for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). Herein, a facile, low cost, and scalable method is provided for the fabrication of Mo2C-based eletrocatalyst (Mo2C/G-NCS) by a spray-drying, and followed by annealing. As-prepared Mo2C/G-NCS electrocatalyst displays that ultrafine Mo2C nanopartilces are uniformly embedded into graphene wrapping N-doped porous carbon microspheres derived from chitosan. Such designed structure offer several favorable features for hydrogen evolution application: 1) the ultrasmall size of Mo2C affords a large exposed active sites; 2) graphene-wrapping ensures great electrical conductivity; 3) porous structure increases the electrolyte–electrode contact points and lowers the charge transfer resistance; 4) N-dopant interacts with H+ better than C atoms and favorably modifies the electronic structures of adjacent Mo and C atoms. As a result, the Mo2C/G-NCS demonstrates superior HER activity with a very low overpotential of 70 or 66 mV to achieve current density of 10 mA cm−2, small Tafel slope of 39 or 37 mV dec−1, respectively, in acidic and alkaline media, and high stability, indicating that it is a great potential candidate as HER electrocatalyst. DOI: 10.1002/advs.201700733 通过网址//www.doi.org/访问原文 | |||