标题(英文):Urchin-Shaped Bi2S3/Cu2S/Cu3BiS3 Composites with Enhanced Photothermal and CT Imaging Performance
刊物名称及期号、页码:J. Phys. Chem. C, 2018, 122 (7), pp 3794–3800
作者姓名(英文):Guodong Yu, Aili Liu*, Huile Jin, Yangzong Chen, Dewu Yin, Rui Huo, Shun Wang*, and Jichang Wang*
Urchin-shaped Bi2S3/Cu2S/Cu3BiS3nanocomposites were successfully prepared in this study through one-pot synthesis, which involved microwave-assisted simultaneous pyrolysis of two precursors. The as-prepared Bi2S3/Cu2S/Cu3BiS3 hybrids exhibit stronger absorption in the near-infrared regime than the individual components, i.e., Bi2S3, Cu2S, and Cu3BiS3. The photothermal conversion efficiency (η) of Bi2S3/Cu2S/Cu3BiS3 composites can even reach 43.8%, which is significantly higher than that seen with most of the transition metal chalcogenide materials. The excellent photothermal performance of Bi2S3/Cu2S/Cu3BiS3 hybrids is likely arising from its unique urchin-like structure, in which needle-like Bi2S3/Cu2S nanocomposites grow from the core of Cu3BiS3. The copresence of Bi2S3 and Cu2S also leads this newly synthesized composite to produce high contrast for X-ray computer tomography imaging, an important property required for a great potential application in theranostic cancer treatment.
研究现状(中文):近年来,近红外(NIR) 激光诱导的光热治疗方法 (PTT) 由于相比于传统的临床癌症治疗方法具有更低的副作用而吸引了越来越多的国内外研究者的关注。然而,PTT 对光热转化剂的性质及性能有着严格的要求,如:良好的生物相容性和稳定性,对近红外光的强吸收、光热转换效率高等。一些材料如贵金属及其合金(Au、Pt、Au-Ag)、碳材料、聚合物纳米颗粒和半导体硫化物 (Cu1.75S、WSe2、CuFeS2) 已被报道用于光热转化剂用于光热治疗,但是仍存在一些问题亟待解决,如聚合物纳米粒子的耐光性差和无机纳米材料的转换效率低等问题,硫化铜由于成本低,生物降解性好,稳定性高,而且没有明显的副作用被认为是未来理想的PTT剂,然而,光热转换效率低阻碍了其在光热治疗领域的广泛应用。一些报道通过将硫化铋(Bi2S3)与硫化铜纳米颗粒进行复合用于增强其光热转换。同时由于铋元素对x射线的吸收效率非常高,因此硫化铋也被用作CT造影剂和增敏剂,以提高治疗效果。因此,合成性能更为优异的 Bi 和 Cu 硫化物复合材料是当下国内外研究者聚焦的热点之一。
1、采用一步微波法合成Bi2S3/Cu2S/Cu3BiS3,合成方法简单易行,合成材料周期短,且通过调节前驱体的比例可以得到一系列结构的Bi 和 Cu 硫化物复合材料。