标题(中文):二氧化硅改善了锰掺杂CsPbBr0.5I2.5 NC的稳定性及其在白光LED中的应用
标题(英文):SiO2-Improved Stability of Mn-doped CsPbBr0.5I2.5 NC and Their Application for White LED
刊物名称及期号、页码:Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 2018 DOI: doi.org/10.1111/jace.16101.
作者姓名(英文):Meiling He, Shengnan Liu, Ling Ding, Zelong Zhang, Jianping Liu*, Weidong Xiang*, Xiaojuan Liang*
摘要:We successfully synthesized Mn-doped CsPbBr0.5I2.5 nanocrystals (NCs) using a traditional hot injection method. The Mn-doped CsPbBr0.5I2.5 NCs have very good luminescence propertie. Unfortunately, they can only be dissolved in non-polar solvents, and they suffer from the effect of air instability, thermal instability, and water instability. In this study, we used mesoporous SiO2 and Al2O3 coatings to improve the air stability and water stability of these nanocrystals, inhibit the loss of Mn2+. The prepared composite material not only maintains the excellent optical properties of the NCs, but also the most important is to significantly improve the stability of the NCs. Importantly, Mn-doped CsPbBr0.5I2.5 NCs can also be used as a red fluorescent material, with green CsPbBr3 NC glass-emitting white LED under the excitation of an InGaN blue chip.
研究现状:为了解决卤化铅铯量子点毒性的问题,掺杂杂相离子成为人们考虑的一个主要方法。到目前为止,用过渡金属离子(如Mn2+)取代Pb2+已经取得了成功。我们已经成功合成了锰掺杂氯化铅铯和氯溴铅铯量子点,目前很少有人研究锰掺杂溴碘铅铯钙钛矿,本文中,我们成功地合成了Mn掺杂 CsPbBr0.5I2.5,还用SiO2和Al2O3包覆量子点制备成相对更稳定的量子点/粉体复合材料。制备的复合材料不仅保持了量子点优良的光学性能,而且最重要的是大大提高了量子的稳定性。Mn掺杂 CsPbBr0.5I2.5量子点可以作为一种新的红色荧光材料,在InGaN 蓝光芯片激发与绿色CsPbBr3 NC玻璃复合发出白光。