标题(英文):Mn-Doped cesium lead halide perovskite nanocrystals with dual-color emission for WLED
刊物名称及期号、页码:Dyes and Pigments 152 (2018): 146-154.
作者姓名(英文):Meiling He, Yinzi Cheng, Rongrong Yuan, Lei Zhou, Jutao Jiang, Tao Xu, Wei Chen, Zhicong Liu, Weidong Xiang*, Xiaojuan Liang*
摘要:CsPbX3 perovskite nanocrystals (NCs) are promising materials for light-emitting optoelectronics, which possess optically tunable bandgap, bright photoluminescence (PL), and excellent photoluminescence quantum yield. However, doping this new class of promising NCs with optically active or magnetic transition metal ions are still limited. Based on the status quo, we synthesized Mn-doped CsPbCl3 and CsPb(Cl/Br)3 NCs by one-pot synthesis method using MnCl2·(H2O)4 as the precursor. The intensity and position of this Mn-related emission are also tunable by altering the experimental parameters, such as reaction temperature and the Pb-to-Mn feed ratio. Highly homogeneous spectral characteristics of Mn luminescence from an ensemble of Mn-doped CsPbX3 NCs, and well-defined electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of Mn2+ in host CsPbX3 NCs lattices suggest relatively uniform doping sites, likely from substitutional doping at Pb2+. In spite of the excellent luminescent properties of Mn-doped CsPbX3 NCs, their instability is still an important issue that obstruct their practical applications. In this paper, we reported a screen printing technology to prepare Mn-doped CsPbCl3 epoxy resin (ER) orange film for enhancing the stability of Mn-doped CsPbCl3 NCs. More importantly is that we fabricated NCs-ER with Y3Al5O12:Ce3+ (YAG:Ce3+) phosphor-in-glass (PiG) realized the chromaticity tuning for YAG:Ce3+ phosphor with white light-emitting-diodes (WLED). In short, warm WLED were constructed by blending the Ce-PiG and orange Mn-doped CsPbCl3-ER materials with the InGaN blue chips.
CsPbX3钙钛矿纳米晶是一种很有前途的发光光电材料,具有光学可调谐带隙、光致发光和量子产率高等优点。但是由于铅离子的毒性,现在很多学者致力于研究用其他环境友好型的元素部分取代铅离子。本篇文章我们采用简单的热注入的方法成功的将锰离子掺杂入卤化铅铯量子点中,Mn掺杂CsPbX3 NCs体系中Mn发光的高度均匀光谱特征,以及宿主CsPbX3 NCs晶格中Mn2+明确的电子顺磁共振谱表明掺杂位点相对均匀,可能是Pb2+的替代掺杂。