Education 1988.09-1991.07 Ph.D., Polymer Chemistry, Nankai University, Tianjin, China 1985.09-1988.07 M.S., Physical Chemistry, Hangzhou University, Hangzhou, China 1981.09-1985.07 B.S., Chemistry, Hangzhou University, Hangzhou, China Research Experience 2005.08- present Professor, Wenzhou University, China 2005.03-2005.08 Professor, Nanjing University, China 2002.08-2005.03 Senior Scientist, Duke University, American 1997.08-2002.08 Senior Research Scientist, CSIRO, Australia 1996.01-1996.12 Royal Society KCWong Fellow, Sussex University, UK 1993.12-1997.07 Associate Professor, Nanjing University, China Awards and Honors [1]. Second Prize of Science Research Award for Outstanding Achievements of Ministry of Education, 2014 [2]. Significant Contribution Award of Wenzhou, 2013 [3]. Special Experts of Zhejiang Province, 2011 [4]. Outstanding Young Scientist Foundation of NSFC, 2010 [5]. Second Prize of Science and Technology of Zhejiang Province, 2010 [6]. Thousand scholar project of Zhejiang Province, 2010 [7]. Young and Middle-aged Experts with Outstanding Contributions of Zhejiang Province, 2009 [8]. Award for Outstanding Returned Overseas Students of Zhejiang Province, 2008 [9]. Qianjiang Distinguished Professor of Zhejiang Province, 2006 Zhang*; MoS2 Monolayers”, Nano Research , 3, 3772-80 (2016) (IF=8.9) ACS Appl. Mater. Intetrf.
8(27), 17284 (2016) (IF=7.1) Bioimaging Applications” Nanoscale, 8, 11123-29 (2016) (IF=7.4) Selected Publications [138] Panpan Yu, Jinjie Qian*, Shaoming Huang*, “A microporous europium–organic framework anchored with open -COOH groups for selective cation sensing”, CryEngComm (accepted) [137] Ye Fan, Zhi Yang, Wuxing Hua, Dan Liu, Weiwei Lei,* Shaoming Huang and Ying Chen*�”Functionalized BN Nanosheets/graphene Interlayer for Fast and Long-Life Lithium–Sulfur Batteries”, Adv. Energy Mater. , (in press ) (IF=15.4)
[136] "Optimized photoluminescence of red phosphor Na2SnF6:Mn4+ as red phosphor in the application in "warm" white LEDs”�J. Am. Cer. Soc. �in press� (IF=3.1� [135] “Enhancement of luminescence properties of high-nuclearity Cd-Ln (Ln = Eu and Nd) nanoclusters by the introduction of secondary energy transfer donors”, Nanoscale, (in press) (IF=7.8) DOI: 10.1039/C6NR07906G [134] Chunqi Cai, Lanlan Zhai, Yahui Ma, Chao Zou*, Lijie Zhang, Yun Yang and Shaoming Huang*, “Synthesis of AgInS2 Quantum Dots with tunable Photoluminescence for Sensitized Solar Cells”, J. Power Sour.� 341�11-18 (2017) (IF= 6.2) [133] Chen, Zhen; Pan, Yuexiao*; Pang, Ran; Huang, Shaoming; Liu, Guokui, “Tunable yellow-red photoluminescence from 5D1,2 levels of Eu3+ and persistent afterglow in phosphores Ca4LaO(BO3)3:Eu3+ and Ca4EuO(BO3)3 ", Inorg. Chem. 55, 11249-57 (2016) (IF= 4.8) [132]
Mei Zhao, Manman Liu, Lijie Zhang*, Chao Zou, Keqin Yang, Yun Yang, Youqing Dong and Shaoming Huang*,” Epitaxial growth of two-dimensional SnSe2/MoS2 misfit heterostructures”, J. Mater. Chem. C , 4, 10215-22 (2016) (IF=5.1) (back cover) [131]
Li Xu, Kai Wang, Bo Jiang, Wei Chen, Fanyan Liu, Hui Hao, Chao Zou, Yun Yang*, Shaoming Huang*, "Competitive Effect in the Growth of Au-Pd-Au Segemental Nanorods”, Chem. Mater., 28(20),7394-403 (206) (IF=9.4) [130] Panpan Yu, Jinjie Qian*, Shaoming Huang*, “A microporous europium–organic framework anchored with open -COOH groups for selective cation sensing”, CryEngComm (in press) (IF=3.8 ) [129] Danijei Boskovic, Sivakumar Balakrishnan, Shaoming Huang, Gerhard F. Swiegers*, “Kinematic Molecular Manufacturing Machines”, Coord. Chem. Rev., 329,163-190 (2016) (IF=13.0) [128] Lu Wang, Zhi Yang *, Huagui Nie, Cancan Gu, Wuxing Hua, Xiangju Xu, Xi’an Chen ,Ying Chen, Shaoming Huang*, "A Lightweight Multifunctional Interlayer of Sulfur–Nitrogen Co-doped Graphene for Ultrafast, Long-life Lithium−Sulfur Batteries”, J. Mater. Chem. A, 4, 15343-52 (2016) (IF=8.3) (back cover)
[127] “Molecule-Induced Conformational Change in Boron Nitride Nanosheets with Enhanced Surface Adsorption”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 8202-10 (2016) (IF=11.4) (cover picture) [126] Yuexiao Pan*, Zhen Chen Xianyu Jiang, Shaoming Huang, Mingmei Wu*, “A facile route to BaSiF6:Mn4+ phosphor with intense red emission and its humidity stability" J. Amer. Cer. Soc. , 99(9), 3008–301 (2016) (IF=3.1) [125] Yuexiao Pan,* Li Li, Jing Lu, Ran Pang, Li Wan and Shaoming Huang*, “Enhanced photoluminescence and phosphorescence propertiesEnhanced long lasting phosphorescence of green phosphor Zn2GeO4:Mn2+ via composition modification with GeO2 and MgF2” , Dalton Transactions 45, 9506-9512 (2016) (IF=4.2)
[124] Zhang, Lijie; Liu, Manman; Zhao, Mei; Dong, Youqing; Zou, Chao; Yang, Keqin; Yang, Yun; Huang, Shaoming; Zhu, Daming, “Electrical and optoelectrical modification of cadmium sulfide nanobelts by low-energy electron beam irradiation" , Nanotechnology 27(39), 395704 (2016) (IF=3.57)
[123] Mei Zhao; Wenting Zhang; Manman Liu; Chao Zou; Keqin Yang; Yun Yang; Youqing Dong; Lijie Shaoming Huang*, "
Interlayer Coupling in
Anisotropic/Isotropic van der Waals Heterostructures of ReS2 and [122] Xi, Luqing; Pan, Yuexiao; Pan; Huang, Shaoming; Liu, Guokui, "Mn4+ doped (NH4)2TiF6 and (NH4)2SiF6 micro-crystal phosphors: synthesis through ion exchange at room temperature and their photoluminescence properties", RSC Adv. 6, 76251 (2016)(IF=3.3� [121] Taheri, Payam; Wang, Jieqiong; Xing, Hui; Destino, Joel; Murat Arik, Mumtaz; Zhao, Chuan; Kang, Kaifei; Blizzard, Brett; Zhang, Lijie; Zhao, Puqin; Huang, Shaoming; Yang, Sen; Bright, Frank; Cerne, John; Zeng, Hao*�"Growth mechanism of largescale MoS2 monolayer by sulfurization of MoO3 film"� Mater. Res. Exp. 3(7),075009�2016) [120] Qiran Cai, Srikanth Mateti, Takashi Taniguchi, Shaoming Huang, Ying Chen* and Lu Hua Li' "Boron Nitride Nanosheets Enable Highly Sensitive and Reusable Substrates for Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55 (29),8457(2016) (IF=11.7) (Cover picture) [119]. Shen, Juanxia; Yang, Zhi*; Li, Ping; Nie, Huagui; Cai, Qiran; Ge, Mengzhan; Gu, Cancan; Yang, Keqin; Huang, Shaoming*,"A Neuron-Inspired Interpenetrative Network Composed of Cobalt-Phosphorus- Derived Nanoparticles Embedded within Porous Carbon Nanotubes for Efficient Hydrogen Production", [118] Panpan Yu, Qipeng Li, Yue Hu, Nannan Liu, Lijie Zhang, Kongzhao Su, Jinjie Qian,* Shaoming Huang* and Maochun Hong�"Cuboctahedronbased indium-organic frameworks for gas sorption and selective cation exchange”, Chem. Commun. 52, 7978-81 (2016) (IF=6.6) [117] Xiaoping Yang, Shiqing Wang, Tyler L. King, Christopher J. Kerr, Clement Blanchet, Dmitri Svergun, Robert Pal, Andrew Beeby, Jamuna Vadivelu,e Katherine A. Brown,* Richard A. Jones,* Lijie Zhang and Shaoming Huang*, "Anisotropic Lanthanide-based Nano-clusters for Imaging Applications" Faraday Discussions 191, 465-479 (2016) (IF=3.5) [116] Qi Wang; Zhencai Wang; Tianhao Zheng; Xiongping Zhou; Wei Chen*; Dekun Ma; Yun Yang; Shaoming Huang*, " Size Control of SBA-15 By Tuning Stirring Speed for the Formation of CMK-3 With Distinct Adsorption Performance", Nano Research
9(8) , 2294302 (2016) (IF=8.9) [115] Qiran Cai, Srikanth Mateti, Takashi Taniguchi, Shaoming Huang, Ying Chen* and Lu Hua Li*�"Boron Nitride Nanosheet Veiled Gold Nanoparticles for Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 8 (24), 15630–36 (2016) (IF=7.1) [114] Zhu-Ping Nie, De-Kun Ma,* Guo-Yong Fang, Wei Chen, and Shao-Ming Huang*, ”Concave Bi2WO6nanoplates with oxygen vacancies enabling electrocatalytic oxygen evolution in near-neutral waters", J. Mater. Chem. A 4, 2438-44 (2016) (IF=8.3) [113] Xiaoping Yang,* Shiqing Wang, Desmond Schipper, Lijie Zhang, Zongping Li, Shaoming Huang,* Daqiang Yuan, Zhongning Chen,* Annie J. Gnanam, Justin, W. Hall, Tyler L. King, Emily Que, Yakhya Dieye, Jamuna Vadivelu, Katherine A. Brown, and Richard A. Jones* “A Brown;”Self-assembly of High-nuclearity Lanthanide-based Nanoclusters for Potential [112] Chen, bangbao; Ma, De-Kun*; Ke, Qingping; Chen, Wei; Huang, Shao-Ming*, “Indented Cu2MoS4 Nanosheets with Enhanced Electrocatalytic and Photocatalytic Activities Realized through Edge Engineering", Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys. 18�9�6713-21 (2016) (IF=4.4) [111] Xiaoping Yang*, Shiqing Wang, Lijie Zhang, Shaoming Huang*, Zongping Li, Chengri Wang, Ting Zhu and Le Bo “First NIR luminescent polymeric high-nuclearity Cd-Ln nanoclusters from a long-chain Schiff-base ligand”, J. Mater. Chem. C 4, 1589-93 (2016) (IF=5.1) [118] Q. Q. Lai, M. D. Liu, C. C. Gu, H. G. Nie,* X. J. Xu, Z. H. Li,* Z. Yang and S. M. Huang* , “A Novel Label-Free Fluorescent Strategy for Methyltransferase Activity Assay Based on dsDNA-Templated Copper Nanoparticles Coupled with Endonuclease-Assisted Signal Transduction System” Analyst , 141, 1383-89 (2016) (IF=4.0) [117] Li, Ping; Yang, Zhi*; Shen, Juanxia; Nie, Huagui; Cai, Qiran; Li, Lu Hua; Ge, Mengzhan; Gu, Cancan; Chen, Xi'an; Yang, Keqin; Zhang, Lijie; Chen, Ying; Huang, Shaoming*�'Subnanometer Molybdenum Sulfide on Carbon Nanotubes as a Highly Active and Stable Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction" , ACS Appl. Mater. Interface 8(5), 3543-50 (2016) (IF=7.1) [116] Jinjie Qian,* Qipeng Li, Panpan Yu, Yan Yang, Zhen Cao and Shaoming Huang*"A photoluminescent indium-organic framework with discrete cages and 1-dimensional channels for gas adsorption”,Chem. Commun. 522,9032-8 (2016) (IF=6.6) [115] Zhu-Ping Nie, De-Kun Ma,* Guo-Yong Fang, Wei Chen, and Shao-Ming Huang*, ”Concave Bi2WO6 nanoplates with oxygen vacancies enabling electrocatalytic oxygen evolution in near-neutral water” J. Mater. Chem. A 4, 2438-44 (2016) (IF=8.3) �Cover picture� [114] Shuhua Han, Ying Ma, Guangju Zhou, Li Xu, Chao Zou, Wei Chen, Yun Yang,* Shaoming Huang*, "Alloying Effect and AgCl-Directing Growth in the Formation of Trimetallic Nanoring” , Nanoscale ,7, 20414-25 (2015) (back cover picture) (IF=7.8) [113] Jinjie Qian,* Kongzhao Su, Youqing Dong, Shaoming Huang* and Maochun Hong, “Crystal Structure, Morphology and Sorption Behaviour of Porous Indium-Tetracarboxylate Framework Materials” , CryEngComm 17, 8512-8 (2015) (IF=3.8 ) [112] Daying Guo, Xi’an Chen,* Zhipeng Fang, Yufeng He, Cong Zheng, Zhi Yang, Keqin Yang, Ying Chen and Shaoming Huang*, "Hydrangea-like multi-scale carbon hollow submicron spheres with hierarchical pores for high performance supercapacitor”, Electrochimica Acta 176, 207-214 (2015) (IF=4.8 ) [111] Shu-Mei Zhou, De-kun Ma*, Sheng-Hui Zhang, Wei Wang, Wei Chen, Shao-ming Huang* and Kang Yu*, "PEGylated Cu3BiS3 Hollow Nanospheres as a New Photothermal Agent for 980 nm-Laser-Driven Photothermochemotherapy and Contrast Agent for X-Ray Computed Tomography Imaging” , Nanoscale 8�50�1374-82 (2015) (IF=7.8) (cover picture) [110] Ying Ma, Li Xu, Wei Chen, Chao Zou, Yun Yang,* Lijie Zhang,* Shaoming Huang*, ”Evolution from Small Sized Au Nanoparticles to Hollow Pt/Au Nanostructures with Pt Nanorods and Mechanistic Study” , RSC Adv.,5,103797-103802 (2015) DOI: 10.1039/C5RA21807A, ( IF=3.3) [109] Yan Zhang, Peng-Chong Jiao, Hai-Bing Xu, Ming-Jing Tang, Xiao-Ping Yang*, Shaoming Huang, Jian-Guo Deng, “Switchable sensitizers stepwise lighting up lanthanide emissions” ,Sci. Rep. 5, 9335-40�2015�(IF=5.2) [108] Qiran Cai, Lu Hua Li,* Yuanlie Yu, Yun Liu, Shaoming Huang, Ying Chen,* Kenji Watanabee and Takashi Taniguchie, “Boron nitride nanosheets as improved and reusable substrates for gold nanoparticles enabled surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17, 7761-7766 (2015) (IF=4.4)
[107] Cai ping,Zhou Shumei� Ma Dekun*,Chen Wei; Huang shaoming*, “Fe2O3-modified macroporous BiVO4 nanoplates with excellent photocatalytic activity” Nano-Micro Lett. (in press) (IF=2.0)
[106] Lifen Lv, Zhen Chen, Guokui Liu, Shaoming Huang* and Yuexiao Pan*, 'Optimized photoluminescence of red phosphor K2TiF6:Mn4+ synthesized at room temperature and its formationmechanism' J. Mater. Chem. C 3�1935-41 (2015) . (IF=6.63) [105] Xiaozhen Geng, Zhiyong Xiong, Lanlan Zhai, Chao Zou*, Youqing Dong, Shaoming Huang*�“The synthesis of three-dimensional hollow CuInS2 microspheres with hierarchical structures” Mater. Chem. Phys. 149-150, 743-50 (2015) (IF=2.8� [104] Yunyun Liu, Yali Hu, Qiran Cai, Xiangju, Xu*, Yin Chen, Shaoming Huang*, “ Growth of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes From Structure Well-defined POSS Nanoclasters” Nano 10�1�(2015) (IF=1.26) [103] Xiaoping Yang,* Zongping Li, Shiqing Wang, Shaoming Huang*, Desmond Schipper and Richard A. Jones*, Self-Assembly of NIR Luminescent 30-metal Drum-like and 12-metal Rectangular-like d-f Nanoclusters with Long-chain Schiff Base Ligands, Chem. Commun. 50,15569-72 (2014). (IF=6.72) [102] Xiangju Xu, , Chen Yang, Zhi Yang, Keqin Yang, Shaoming Huang*, “Carbon nanotube growth from alkali metal salt nanoparticles” Carbon 80, 495-99 (IF=6.16) [101] Xi’an Chen, Xiaohua Chen,* Xin Xu, Zhi Yang, Zheng Liu, Lijie Zhang, Xiangju Xu, Ying Chen and Shaoming Huang* , 'Sulfur-doped porous reduced graphene oxide hollow nanospheres framework as metal-free electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction and supercapacitor electrode materials' Nanoscale 6 (22), 13740-47�2014�. (IF=6.74) [100] Xing, Tan; Zheng, Yao; Li, Lu Hua; Cowie, Bruce; Gunzelmann, Daniel; Qiao, Shi Zhang; Huang, Shaoming; Chen, Ying “Observation of Active Sites for Oxygen Reduction Reaction on Nitrogen-Doped Multilayer Graphene' ACS Nano 8(7), 6856-62 (2014) (IF=12.0) [99] Xiaoping Yang,* Desmond Schipper, Lijie Zhang, Keqin Yang, Shaoming Huang,* Jijun Jiang, Chengyong Su* and Richard A. Jones*�“ Anion dependent self-assembly of 56-metal Cd-Ln nanoclusters with enhanced near-infrared luminescence” Nanoscale 6, 10569-73 (2014) (IF=6.7) [98] Zhengcai Wang, Wei Chen*,Zhenliang Han, Jie Zhu,Na Lu,Yun Yang, Dekun Ma, Ying Chen, Shaoming Huang* “Porous Pd@CMK-3 as an Active Catalyst for Suzuki Reactions: Accelerating Mass Transfer to Enhance the Reaction Rate ” Nano Research 7�9),1254-62(2014) (IF=7.4 ) [97] Lifen Lv, Xianyu Jiang, Shaoming Huang,* Xian Chen and Yuexiao Pan*, “Formation mechanism, improved photoluminescence and LEDs application of red phosphor K2SiF6:Mn4+ “ J. Mater. Chem. C, 2, 3879–3884(2014)(IF=6.0 ) [96] X. Y. Jiang, Z. Chen, S. M. Huang *, J. G. Wang, Y. X. Pan*,'A novel red phosphor BaTiFMn4+: etching reaction mechanism, microstructures, optical properties, and application for white LEDs' Dalton Trans(IF=4.10) [95] Xi’an Chen*, Zhubing Xiao,Xutao Ning, Zheng Liu, Zhi Yang, Chao Zou, Shun Wang, Ying Chen, Xiaohua Chen*, Ying Chen, Shaoming Huang* “Sulfur-impregnated ,Sandwich-type, Hybrid Carbon Nanosheets with Hierarchical Porous Structure for High Performance Lithium-Sulfur Batteries” Adv. Energy Mater. (DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201301988) (IF=10.4) [94] Na Lu, Wei Chen*, Bi Chen, Keqin Yang, Yun Yang, Rong Yu, Xiaoming Sun, Zhencai Wang, Jie Zhu, Dekun Ma, Guoyong Fang , Shaoming Huang*, Yadong Li, “ 5-Fold Twinned Nanowires and Single Twinned Right Bipyramids of Pd: Utilizing Small Organic Molecules to Tune Etching Degree of O2/Halides” Chem. Mater.26,2453-9(2014) (IF=8.3) [93] Zhubing Xiao, Zhi Yang*, Huagui Nie, Mei’e Zhong, Yanqi Lu, Keqin Yang, Shaoming Huang* “Porous Carbon Nanotubes Etched by Water Steam for High-Rate Large-Capacity Lithium-Sulfur Batteries” J. Mater. Chem. A ,2,8683-8689(2014) (IF=6.0 ) [92] X. Y. Jiang, Y. X. Pan,* S. M. Huang, X. A. Chen, J. G. Wang and G. K. Liu “Hydrothermal synthesis and photoluminescence properties of a novel red phosphor BaSiF6:Mn4+ for LEDs application” J. Mater. Chem. C 2, ,2301-2306(2014)(IF=6.0) [91] Zhi Yang*, Xuemei Zhou, Zhiping Jin, Zheng Liu, Huagui Nie, Xi’an, Shaoming Huang,* “A Facile and General Approach for the Direct Fabrication of Three-dimensional, Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotube Array/Transition Metal (Mn, Zn, Ni, Fe, Ti) Oxide Composites as Non-Pt Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reactions” Adv. Mater.,26, 3156–3161(2014) (IF=14.8) [90] Jing Zhang, Huagui Nie*, Zhan Wu, Zhi Yang, Lijie Zhang, and Shaoming Huang*, “Unmodified, Self-Catalytic Growth of Gold Nanoparticles as Conductive Bridges Mediated Gap-Electrical Signal Transduction for DNA Hybridization Detection” Anal. Chem. 86(2),1178-85,(2014) (IF=5.9) [89] Dong Zhu, Fengqiao Zhang, Xin Xu, Xi’an Chen*, Zhi Yang, Chao Zou, Keqin Yang, Shaoming Huang*, “Nickel hydroxide - coated 3D porous graphene hollow sphere framework as high performance electrode materials for supercapacitors” PhysChemChemPhys 16(9),4186-92 (2014) (IF=3.8) [88] Guangju Zhou, Yun Yang*, Wei Chen, Yunzhi Fu, Shuhua Han, Xingliang Li, Chao Zou, Lijie Zhang,Shaoming Huang*, “Growth of Nanobipyramid by Using Large Sized Au Decahedra as Seeds” ACS Appl. Mater. & Interf. 5(24), 13340-45 (2013) (IF=5.0) [87] Xiaoping Yang, Richard A. Jones* and Shaoming Huang* “Luminescent 4f and d-4f Polynuclear Complexes and Coordination Polymers with Flexible Salen-type Ligands” Coord. Chem. Rev.(in press) (IF=11.02) [86] Liu quan-cheng, Ma De-Kun*, Hu ying-ying, Zeng Ya-wen; Huang Shaoming* “Various bismuth oxyiodides hierarchical architectures: alcohothermal-controlled synthesis, photocatalytic activities, and adsorption capabilities for phosphate in water” ACS Appl. Mater. & Interf. 5 (22), 11927–34 (2013) (IF=5.0) [85] Yun Yang*, Shuhua Han, Guangju Zhou, Lijun Jiang, Lijie Zhang, Xingliang Li, Wenfang Wang, Shaoming Huang*, “Ascorbic-acid-assisted Growth of High Quality M@ZnO: Growth Mechanism and Kinetics Study”Nanoscale 5�11808�19�2013�(IF=6.2) [84] Xiaoping Yang, Desmond Schipper,Shengchun Chen, Richard A. Jones, *Bradley J. Holliday, * Shaoming Huang ,* and Qun Chen* “Anion Dependent Self-Assembly of a Linear Hexanuclear Yb(III) Salen Complex with Enhanced Near-infrared (NIR) Luminescence Properties”Chem. Commun. 49�9579�81 (2013) ( IF=6.4) [83] Yan-Qing Zhang, De-Kun Ma*, Yan-Ge Zhang, Wei Chen and Shao-Ming Huang* “N-doped graphene quantum dots for TiO2-based photocatalysts and dye-sensitized solar cells” Nano Energy 2(5) 545-552 (2013) [82] Wei Zhang, Lanlan Zhai, Na He, Chao Zou*, Youqing Dong, Xian Chen, Shaoming Huang* “Air-stable Solution-based Synthesis of wurtzite Cu2ZnSnS4 Nanoleaves” Nanoscale 5 ,8114-21(2012) (IF=6.2) [81] Xi’an Chen, Xiaohua Chen, Fengqiao Zhangb, Zhi Yang, Shaoming Huang* , “One-pot hydrothermal synthesis of reduced graphene oxide/carbon nanotube/α-Ni(OH)2 composites for high performance electrochemicalsupercapacitor J. Power Sources 243,555-61( 2013)(IF=4.7) [80] Xiaoping Yang, Desmond Schipper, Richard A. Jones*, Lauren A. Lytwak, Bradley J. Holliday*,and Shaoming Huang*, “Anion Dependant Self-Assembly of NIR Luminescent 24- and 32-metal Cd-Ln Complexes with Drum-like Archi-tectures ” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135 (23), 8468–71 �2013� (IF=10.7) [79] Xingliang Li, Yun Yang*, Guangju Zhou, Shuhua Han, Wenfang Wang, Lijie Zhang, Wei Chen, Chao Zou, and Shaoming Huang* “The Unusual Effect of AgNO3 on the Growth of Au Nanostructures and Their Catalytic Performance” Nanoscale 5�4976�85(2013) (IF=6.2) [78] Zheng Liu, Zhi Yang*, Huagui Nie, Zhiping Jin, Jing Zhang, Xi’an Chen, Shaoming Huang* “Sulfur–Nitrogen Co-doped Three-Dimensional Carbon Foams with Hierarchical Pore Structures as Efficient Metal-Free Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reactions” Nanoscale 5�3283�88 (2013) (IF=6.2) [77] Ping Cai, De-Kun Ma,* Quan-Cheng Liu, Shu-Mei Zhou, Wei Chen and Shao-Ming Huang* “Conversion of Ternary Zn2Complex-Extracted Route” J. Mater. Chem. A�1, 5217�23 (2013) (IF=6.0)SnO4 Octahedrons into Binary Mesoporous SnO2 and Hollow SnS2 Hierarchical Ones by Template-Engaged Selective [76] Zhi Yang*, Huagui Nie, Xiaohua Chen, Shaoming Huang* “Recent Progress in Doped Carbon Nanomaterials as Effective Cathode Catalysts for Fuel Cell Oxygen Reduction Reaction” J. Power Sources 236�238�49 (2013)(IF=4.7) [75] Qiang Li, Chao Zou, Lanlan Zhai,* Lijie Zhang, Yun Yang, Xi’an Chen and Shaoming Huang*“Synthesis of wurtzite CuInS2 nanowires by Ag2S-catalyzed growth” CrystEngComm 2013,15, 1806-1813 (2013) (IF=3.8) [74] Yun Yang*, Nini Fan, Wenfang Wang, Xingliang Li, Xian Chen, Xiangju Xu, Lijie Zhang, Shaoming Huang*, “Controlled Growth of Ag/Au Bimetallic Nanorods through Kinetic Control” Chem. Mater. 25(1), 34-41 (2013)(IF=8.2) [73] Ting Yang, Shun Wang,?, Huile Jin, Weiwei Bao, Shaoming Huang, Jichang Wang? “An electrochemical impedance sensor for the label-free ultrasensitive detection of interleukin-6 antigen” Sensors & Actuators: B.Chemical.178 310– 315 (2013). (IF=3.6) [72] 0Qiang Li, Lanlan Zhai, Chao Zou,* Xusheng Huang, Lijie Zhang, Yun Yang, Xi’an Chen, Shaoming Huang *“Wurtzite CuInS2 and CuInxGa1-xS2 Nanoribbons: Synthesis, Optical and Photoelectrical Properties” Nanoscale 5, 1638-1648 (2013) (IF=6.2) [71] Shun Wang, Ling Li, Huile Jin, Ting Yang, Weiwei Bao, Shaoming Huang, Jichang Wang “Electrochemical detection of hepatitis B and papilloma virus DNAs using SWCNT array coated with gold nanoparticles” Biosensors and Bioelectronics 41,205-210 (2013) (IF=5.6) [70] Zhiping Jin, Huagui Nie, Zhi Yang* , Jing Zhang, Zheng Liu, Xiangju Xu, Shaoming Huang* “Metal-tube/Graphene Networks as a Synergistically Improved Cathode Catalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction”Nanoscale 4, 6455-60 (2012) (IF=6.2) [69] Yan-Qing Zhang, De-Kun Ma,* Wei Chen, Sen-Sen Liu, and Shao-Ming Huang*“One-pot synthesis of nitrogen-doped carbon dots with tunable luminescence properties”J. Mater. Chem. 22, 16714-16718 (2012)(IF=6.0) [68] Ma Dekun*, Meili Guan , Sensen Liu , Yanqing Zhang , Changwei Zhang , Yuxiang He and Shaoming Huang*, “Controlled Synthesis of Olive-shaped Bi2S3/BiVO4 Microspheres through a Limited Chemical Conversion Route and Enhanced Visible-light-responding Photocatalytic Activity” Dalton Trans., 41(18), 5581-6 (2012).(IF=3.8) [67] Fan, Nini; Yang, Yun*; Wang, Wenfang; Zhang, Lijie; Chen, Wei; Zou, Chao; Huang, Shaoming* ' Selective Etching Induces Selective Growth and Controlled Formation of Various Pt Nanostructures by Modifying Seed Surface Free Energy” ACS Nano 6(5), 4072-82( 2012) (IF=12.1) [66] Xuemei Zhou, Huagui Nie*, Zhi Yang, Shaoming Huang* 'Facile Synthesis of Nanospindle-like Cu2O/Straight Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube Hybrid Nanostructures and Their Application in Enzyme-free Glucose Sensing'Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical. 168, 1-7 (2012) (IF=3.6) [65] Huagui Nie, Zhi Yang, Shaoming Huang*, Hongqi Wang, Ruqin Yu, Jianhui Jiang, “Magnetic Separation Detection of Sequence-Specific DNA based on DNA-Wrapped Carbon Nanotubes as Sensitive Electrochemical Labels by Controlled Assembly Mediated Signal Transduction.” Small. 8(9),1407-14 (IF=7.8) [64] Sen-Sen Liu, De-Kun Ma*, Yan-Qing Zhang, Ping Cai, Xi-An Chen and Shao-Ming Huang* “Controlled synthesis of orange-like LnBO3:Eu3+ (Ln = Y, Tb) mesocrystals via a facile organic additive-free hydrothermal route” CrystEngComm14(8), 2899-2905, 2012, (IF=3.8) [63] Zhi Yang,* Zhen Yao, Guoyong Fang, Guifa Li, Hua-gui Nie,Xue-mei Zhou,Xi’an Chen,Shao-ming Huang*,'Sulfur-Doped Graphene as an Efficient Metal-free Cathode Catalyst for Oxygen Reduction' ACS Nano 6 (1), 205–211, �2012� (IF=12.1) [62] Xu Xiangju, Shaoming Huang*, Yali Hu, Jianding Lu, Zhi Yang “Continuous synthesis of carbon nanotubes using a metal-free catalyst by CVD” Mater. Phys. Chem. 133, 95-102(2012) (IF=2.35) [61] Zheng Yao, Huagui Nie, Zhi Yang*, Xuemei Zhou, Zheng Liu, Shaoming Huang* 'Catalyst-Free Synthesis of Iodine-Doped Graphene via a Facile Thermal Anneal Process and Its Use for Electrocatalytic Oxygen Reduction in an Alkaline Medium' Chem. Commun. 48(7),1027-1029 (2012) (IF=6.4) [60] Lina Kong, Wei Chen*, SenSen Liu, Yun Yang, Dekun Ma, Shaoming Huang* “Size control of Au@Cu2O octahedra for excellent photocatalytic performance” J. Mater. Chem.22, 719-724 (2012) (IF=6.0) [59] Li, ling; Wang, Shun*; Yang, Ting; Huang, Shaoming; Wang, Jichang “Electrochemical growth of gold nanoparticles on horizontally aligned carbon nanotubes: A new platform for ultrasensitive DNA sensing” Biosensors and Bioelectronics 33�1),279�83�2012� (IF=5.4) [58] Xuemei Zhou, Zhi Yang*, Huagui Nie, Zhen Yao, Lijie Zhang, Shaoming Huang* “Catalyst-Free Growth of Large Scale Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Spheres as Efficient Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction in alkaline medium” J Power Sources 196(23), 9970-74(2011) (IF=4.7) [57] Huagui Nie*, Xuemei Zhou, Zhi Yang, Shaoming Huang* “Nonenzymatic Electrochemical Detection of Glucose using well-distributed Nickel Nanoparticles on Straight Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes” Biosensors and Bioelectronics 30,28-34 (2011) (IF=5.4) [56] Zhi Yang*, Xuemei Zhou, Huagui Nie, Zhen Yao, Shaoming Huang* “Facile Construction of Manganese Oxide Doped Carbon Nanotube Catalysts with High Activity for Oxygen Reduction Reaction and Research on the Origin of their Activity Enhancement” ACS Appl. 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Commun. 47�18� 5256-5258 �2011) (IF=6.4) [49] Mei-Li Guan, De-Kun Ma,* Sheng-Wei Hu, Yan-Jun Chen, and Shao-Ming Huang* , “From hollow olive-shaped BiVO4 to n-p core–shell BiVO4@Bi2O3 microspheres: controlled synthesis and enhanced visible-light-responsive photocatalytic properties “ Inorganic Chemistry 50(3), 800-805 (2011) (IF=4.6) [48] Xuezhong Gong, Yun Yang* and Shaoming Huang* “Mn3O4 catalyzed growth of polycrystalline Pt nanoparticles and single crystalline Pt nanorods with high index facets ” Chem. Commun., 47(3), 1009-1011(2011).(IF=6.4) [47] Gong, XZ; Yang, Y*; Huang, SM*, “A Novel Side-Selective Galvanic Reaction and Synthesis of Hollow Nanoparticles with an Alloy Core” J. Phys. Chem. 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C 113 (17), 6983–6988 (2009) (IF=4.8) [37] Dekun Ma*, Shaoming Huang*, Wenxiu Chen, Shengwei Hu, Fangfang Shi, and Kelei Fan “Self-assembled 3-D hierarchical umbilicate Bi2WO6 microspheres from nanoplates: controlled synthesis, photocatalytic activities and wettability” J. Phys. Chem C 113 (11), 4369-4374 (2009) (IF=4.8) [36] Shaoming Huang*, Qiran Cai, Jiangying Chen, Qian Yong, Lijie Zhang “Catalyst-free Growth of SWNTs on Substrate” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131, 2094-2095 (2009)(IF=10.7) [35] Zijie Shang�Shaoming Huang*, Xiangju Xu, Jiangyin Chen “Mo/MgO from avalanche-like reduction of MgMoO4 for high efficient growth of multi-walled carbon nanotubes by chemical vapor deposition ” Mater. Chem. & Phys.114, 173-178(2009 ) (IF=2.2) [34] Shaoming Huang*, Yanhu Bai,, Jinagyin Chen and Shun Wang “CVD Growth of high density SWNTs network on surface using iron phosphide nanorods as catalyst precursor” Chem. Phys. 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Phys. Chem. B 108, 6124-6129 (2004) (IF=3.6) [24] Shaoming Huang, J. Liu “Direct Growth of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes on Flat Substrates for Nanoscale Electronic Applications “Applied Physics of Nanotubes: Fundamentals of Theory, Optics and Transport Devices'. Slava V Rotkin and Shekhar Subramoney (Editors), Springer Press , Book Chapter 113�130 (2004) [23] Chenguang Lu, Qiang Fu, Shaoming Huang and Jie Liu “Polymer Electrolyte Gated Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor Nano Lett. 4, 623-626(2004) (IF=13.0) [22] Jinyie Li, Chengguang Lu, Benjamin Manor Shaoming Huang and J, Liu” Controlled Growth of Long GaN Nanowires from Catalyst patterns Fabricated by “Dip-Pen” Nanolithographic Techniques” Chem. Mater. 16, 1633-1636 (2004) (IF=8.2) [21] Shaoming Huang*, Qian Fu, Lei An Jie Liu “ Superstructure of SWNTs from water-soluble Identical Cluster for Device Fabrication” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 6, 1077-1079 (2004) (IF=3.6) [20] Minoo J. Moghaddam, Sarah Taylor, Mei Gao, Shaoming Huang, Liming Dai, and Maxine J. McCall “ Highly Efficient Immobilisation of DNA on the Walls of Carbon Nanotubes Using Photochemistry” Nano Lett. 4, 89-93 (2004) (IF=13.0) [19] Shaoming Huang, Jie Liu “Growth of Patterned SWNTs from Catalysts Fabricated by Direct Photolithography” Molecular Nanostructures AIP Conference Proceedings 685, 103-107 (2003) Editors Hans Kuzmany, Jorg Fink, Michael Mehring, Siegmar Roth [18] Shaoming Huang, Xianyu Cai, Chengshen Du Jie Liu “Oriented Long Single walled Carbon Nanotubes on Substrates from Floating Catalysts ” J. Phys. Chem. B 107, 13251-13254 (2003) (IF=3.6) [17] Shaoming Huang* and Albert Mau, “ 3D Carbon Nanotube Architecture on Glass Substrate by Stamp Printing Bimetallic Fe-Pt /polymer Catalyst ” J. Phys. Chem. B 107 , 8285-8288 (2003) (IF=3.6) [16] Shaoming Huang*“Growing Carbon Nanotubes on Patterned Submicro-size SiO2 Spheres” Carbon 14, 2347-2351, (2003)(IF=5.9) [15] Shaoming Huang, Benjamin Maynor, Jie Liu “ Ultralong ,Well-aligned Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Architectures on Surfaces Adv. Mater. 15, 1651-1654 (2003) (IF=14.8) [14] Shaoming Huang* “Controllable 3D Architectures of Aligned Carbon Nanotube Arrays Multi-step Processes”Chem. Phys. Lett. 374, 157-161 (2003) (IF=2.3) [13] Shaoming Huang, Xianyu Cai, Jie Liu “ Growth of Millimeter-long and Horizontally Aligned SWNT on flat Substrates” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 125, 5636-5637 (2003) (IF=10.7) [12] Shaoming Huang,* Albert Mau “Aligned Carbon Nanotubes Patterned Photolithographically by Silver” Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 796-798 (2003) (IF=3.8) [11] Shaoming Huang*, Albert Mau “Selective Growth of Aligned Carbon Nanotubes on a Silver Patterned Substrate by the Silver Mirror Reaction” J. Phys. Chem. B 107, 3455-3458 (2003) (IF=3.6) [10]Shaoming Huang, Liming Dai and Albert Mau “ Controlled Fabrication of Large-scale Aligned Carbon Nanofibre/Nanotube Patterns by Photolithography” Adv. Mater. 14, 1140-1143 (2002) (IF=14.8) [9] Shaoming Huang, Liming Dai, “Plasma Etching for Purification and Controlled Opening of Aligned Carbon Nanotubes ” J. Phys. Chem. B 106, 3543-3545 ( 2002) (IF=3.6) [8] Shaoming Huang, Liming Dai “Microscopic and Macroscopic Structures of Carbon Nanotubes Produced by Pyrolysis of Iron Phthocyanine” J. Nanoparticles Research 4, 145-155 (2002) (IF=3.3) [7] Qidao Chen, Liming Dai, Mei Gao, Shaoming Huang, Albert W.H. Mau “Plasma Activation of Carbon Nanotube for Chemical Modification ” J. Phys. Chem. B, 105, 618-622 (2001) (IF=3.6) [6] Mei gao, Shaoming Huang, Liming DaiGordon Wallace, Ruyiping Gao, Zhonglin Wang “Aligned Coaxial Nanowires of carbon nanotubes sheathed with Conducting Poloymer” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 39, 3664-3667(2000) (IF=13.5) [5] Shaoming Huang, Albert W.H.Mau, Terry Turney, Paul White, Liming Dai, W.H. Mau “Patterned Growth of Well-Aligned Carbon Nanotube: A Solt-lithographic Approach” J. Phys. Chem. B 104, 2193-2196 ( 2000) (IF=3.6) [4] Dechang Li, Liming Dai, Shaoming Huang, Albert W.H.Mau, Zhong L. Wang, “ Structure and Growth of Aligned Carbon Nanotube Film by Pyrolysis” Chem. Phys. Lett. 316, 349-355 (2000) (IF=2.3) [3] Yongyuan Yang, Shaoming Huang, huizhu He, Albert W.H.Mau, Liming Dai, “Patterned Growth of Well-aligned Carbon Nanotube: A Photolithographic Approach” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 121, 10832-10833 (1999)(IF=10.7) [2] Shaoming Huang, Liming Dai, Alber W.H. Mau, “ Patterned Growth and Contact Transfer of Well-Alligned Carbon Nanotube Film” J. Phys. Chem. B 103, 4223-4227 (1999 ) (IF=3.6) [1] Shaoming Huang, Liming Dai, Alber W.H. Mau, “ Nanotube ‘Crop Circles’ ” J. Mater. Chem. 9, 1221-1222( 1999) (IF=6.0) |