Research work from Prof. Wang’s group has recently been published on JACS.-温州大学化学与材料工程学� <#webadvjs#>


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Research work from Prof. Wang’s group has recently been published on JACS.

Release date: 2015-08-20 Click: Hits[Close]

Research work from Prof. Wang&rsquo;s group has recently been published on JACS.


Authors: Jianqiang Hu, Aili Liu,Huile Jin , Dekun Ma, Dewu Yin, Pengsheng Ling, Shun Wang*, Zhiqun Lin*, and Jichang Wang*

Title: A Versatile Strategy for Shish-Kebab-like Multi-heterostructured Chalcogenides and Enhanced Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution

J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137 (34), pp 11004&ndash;11010

DOI: 10.1021/jacs.5b04784

Publication Date (Web): August 13, 2015


