Qian Shi(时茜)-温州大学化学与材料工程学� <#webadvjs#>


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Qian Shi(时茜)

Release date: 2014-12-11 Click: Hits[Close]


Shaoming Huang, Ph. D


Physical Chemistry, Materials Science and Engineering


Web site of group: //lhcziliao.com/huang

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: +86-577-88373064



&middot;1988.09-1991.07  Ph.D., Polymerchemistry, Nankai University, Tianjin, China

&middot;1985.09-1988.07  M.S., Chemistry, Hangzhou University, Hangzhou, China

&middot;1981.09-1985.07  B.S., Chemistry, Hangzhou University, Hangzhou, China

Research Experience

&middot;2005.08-present  Professor, Wenzhou University, China

&middot;2005.03-2005.08  Professor, Nanjing University, China

&middot;2002.08-2005.03  Senior Scientist, Duke University, American

&middot;1997.08-2002.08  Senior Research Associate, Commonwealth Science and     

Industries Research Organization(CSIRO), Australia

&middot;1996.01-1996.12  Royal Society KCWong Fellow, SUSSEX University, England

&middot;1993.12-1997.07  Associate Professor, Nanjing University, China

Research Interests

&middot;Controlled synthesis, structures and properties of Micro/nano-structured Functional Materials

Awards and Honors

&middot;Science Research Award for outstanding achievements of Ministry of Education, 2014

&middot;Significant Contribution Award of Wenzhou, 2013

&middot;Distinguished Experts of  Zhejiang Province, 2012

&middot;Winners of National Outstanding Young Ttalents Fund, 2010

&middot;Zhejiang Provincial Science and Technology Award, Second Class, 2010

&middot;&ldquo;One Thousand Talents Plan&rdquo; of Zhejiang Province, 2010

&middot;Experts with Outstanding Contributions of Zhejiang Province, 2009

&middot;Award for Outstanding Returned Overseas Students of Zhejiang Province, 2008

&middot;Qianjiang Scholars of Zhejiang Province, 2006

Academic Positions

&middot;Director of Chinese Chemical Society, 2014

&middot;Editor of the Journal of Nanomaterials, 2014

&middot;Associate Editors of Nano-micro Letters, 2014

Selected Publications

1.      Xi&rsquo;an Chen*, Zhubing Xiao,Xutao Ning, Zheng Liu, Zhi Yang, Chao Zou, Shun Wang, Ying Chen, Xiaohua Chen*, Ying Chen, Shaoming Huang* &rdquo;Sulfur-impregnated ,Sandwich-type,  Hybrid Carbon Nanosheets with Hierarchical Porous Structure for High Performance Lithium-Sulfur Batteries&rdquo; Adv. Energy Mater.  (DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201301988) (IF=10.4)

2.      Zhi Yang*, Xuemei Zhou, Zhiping Jin, Zheng Liu, Huagui Nie, Xi&rsquo;an, Shaoming Huang,* &ldquo;A Facile and General Approach for the Direct Fabrication of Three-dimensional, Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotube Array/Transition Metal (Mn, Zn, Ni, Fe, Ti) Oxide Composites as Non-Pt Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reactions&rdquo; Adv. Mater., 26, 3156&ndash;3161(2014) (IF=14.8)

3.      Na Lu, Wei Chen*, Bi Chen, Keqin Yang, Yun Yang, Rong Yu, Xiaoming Sun, Zhencai Wang, Jie Zhu, Dekun Ma,  Guoyong Fang , Shaoming Huang*, Yadong Li, &rdquo; 5-Fold Twinned Nanowires and Single Twinned Right Bipyramids of Pd: Utilizing Small Organic Molecules to Tune Etching Degree of O2/Halides&rdquo; Chem. Mater.26,2453-9 (2014)  (IF=8.3)

4.      Xiaoping Yang, Richard A. Jones* and Shaoming Huang* &rdquo;Luminescent 4f and d-4f Polynuclear Complexes and Coordination Polymers with Flexible Salen-type Ligands&rdquo;  Coord. Chem. Rev. (in press)(IF=11.02)

5.      Yanqing Zhang, Dekun Ma*, Yange Zhang, Wei Chen and Shao-Ming Huang* &ldquo;N-doped graphene quantum dots for TiO2-based photocatalysts and dye-sensitized solar cells&rdquo; Nano Energy 2(5) 545-552 (2013) (IF=10.2)

6.      Xiaoping Yang, Desmond Schipper, Richard A. Jones*, Lauren A. Lytwak, Bradley J. Holliday*and Shaoming Huang*, &ldquo;Anion Dependant Self-Assembly of NIR Luminescent 24- and 32-metal Cd-Ln Complexes with Drum-like Archi-tectures&rdquo; J. Am. Chem. Soc.  135 (23), 8468&ndash;71 (2013) (IF=10.7)

7.      Yun Yang*, Nini Fan, Wenfang Wang, Xingliang Li, Xian Chen, Xiangju Xu, Lijie Zhang, Shaoming Huang*,&rdquo;Controlled Growth of Ag/Au Bimetallic Nanorods through Kinetic Control&rdquo;  Chem. Mater. 25(1), 34-41 (2013)  (IF=8.2)

8.      Fan, Nini; Yang, Yun*; Wang, Wenfang; Zhang, Lijie; Chen, Wei; Zou, Chao; Huang, Shaoming* 'Selective Etching Induces Selective Growth and Controlled Formation of Various Pt Nanostructures by Modifying Seed Surface Free Energy&rdquo; ACS Nano 6(5), 4072-82 ( 2012) (IF=12.1)  

9.      Zhi Yang,* Zhen Yao,  Guoyong Fang, Guifa Li, Hua-gui Nie, Xue-mei Zhou, Xi&rsquo;an Chen, Shao-ming Huang*, 'Sulfur-Doped Graphene as an Efficient Metal-free Cathode Catalyst for Oxygen Reduction' ACS Nano  6 (1),  205&ndash;211, (2012) (IF=12.1)

10.   Shaoming Huang*, Qiran Cai, Jiangying Chen, Qian Yong, Lijie Zhang &ldquo;Catalyst-free Growth of SWNTs on Substrate&rdquo; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131, 2094-2095 (2009) (IF=10.7)

11.   Shaoming Huang*, Qian YongJiangying Chen etc.  &rdquo;Identification of the Structures of Superlong Oriented SWNT Arrays by Electrodeposition of Metal and Raman Spectroscopy&rdquo; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130(36) 11860-11861 (2008) (IF=10.7)

12.   Shaoming Huang, Mike Woodson, J. Liu and R. Smalley  &ldquo;Growth Mechanism of Oriented Long Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes Using  &ldquo;fast  heating&rdquo; Chemical Vopor Deposition Process&rdquo; Nano Lett. 4, 1025-1028 (2004)(IF=13.0)

13.   Shaoming Huang, Benjamin Maynor, Jie Liu  &ldquo; Ultralong ,Well-aligned Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Architectures on Surfaces&rdquo; Adv. Mater15, 1651-1654 (2003) (IF=14.8)

14.   Shaoming Huang, Xianyu Cai, Jie Liu &ldquo; Growth of Millimeter-long and Horizontally Aligned SWNT  on flat Substrates&rdquo; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 125, 5636-5637 (2003) (IF=10.7)

15.   Shaoming Huang, Liming Dai and Albert Mau &ldquo;Controlled Fabrication of Large-scale Aligned Carbon Nanofibre/Nanotube Patterns by Photolithography&rdquo; Adv. Mater.  14, 1140-1143 (2002)  (IF=14.8)  


Book Chapters

l  Shaoming Huang, J. Liu &ldquo;Direct Growth of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes on Flat Substrates for Nanoscale Electronic Applications &ldquo;Applied Physics of Nanotubes: Fundamentals of Theory, Optics  and  Transport Devices'. Slava V Rotkin and Shekhar Subramoney (Editors), Springer Press, 113-130 (2004)


Invited Lectures

l  Nanostructured Carbon Materials, The 17th National Conference on Catalysis China, Hangzhou, China, 2014

l  Metal-free growth of SWNTs and growth mechanism, Sino-Japanese bilateral meetings pf Carbon materials, Xiamen, China, 2010

l  Metal-free growth of SWNTs and growth mechanism, 2010 MRS Fall Meeting, Washington, 2010

l  Metal-free growth of SWNTs and growth mechanism, International Congress on Naturooathic Medicine, India, 2009