姓名: Ebrahim-Alkhalil M. A. Ahmed (伊布拉辛) 学位:博士 Ph.D. 毕业学校:中国科学技术大学 University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) 籍贯:苏丹 Sudan
职称/职务:讲师/硕导 专业:有机化学 系:化学系 科研团队:温州大学碳能源与催化科学研究所
电子邮箱:[email protected]; [email protected] ORCID: //orcid.org/0000-0002-8658-8110
电话:15658655193 办公室:南校区11号楼A座515
【研究领域, Research Field & Interests】
主要从事于有机合成、不对称合成、均相催化、过渡金属催化的交叉偶联反应/开环反应等合成方法的创新和设计开发,通过C−C/C−X键激活和裂解合成C−C/C−X成键化合物,并表征和分析分子和配合物的分析技术。曾从事于过渡金属催化的三元环杂环的环偶联反应,例如,铜催化的环氧化合物/ N-磺酰亚氮啶与宝石-二硼基甲烷和二硼试剂的开环反应;钯催化的区域选择性活化gem-二氟化环丙烷,构建2-氟烯丙胺、醚、酯、烷基化、芳基化、烷基化产物。至今,以第一作者的身份在《Angewandte Chemie International Edition》、《Organic Letters》、《Chemical Communications》、《Journal of Organic Chemistry》等期刊上发表SCI一区论文11篇 (IF总计63.986)。参与撰写了《合成科学》、《有机硼化学迈向有机合成的进展》等书籍。获得中国科学技术大学2017年青年创新基金项目 (2018/01 − 2019/12); 中国科学技术大学校长国际奖学金项目 (2018/01 − 2019/12)。
Organic synthesis, asymmetric synthesis, homogeneous catalysis, transition-metal-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions, ring-opening reactions to innovate and design developed synthetic methods toward synthesis C−C/ C−X bond-forming compounds via C−C/ C−X bond activation and cleavage, Analytical techniques for characterization and analysis molecules and complexes. He has engaged in a number of related research work including transition-metal-catalyzed ring-coupling reactions of three-membered ring heterocycles; For instance, copper-catalyzed ring-opening reactions of epoxides/N-sulfonyl aziridines with gem-diborylmethane and diboron reagents. Palladium-catalyzed regioselective activation of gem-difluorinated cyclopropanes, to construct 2-fluoroallylic amines, ethers, esters, alkylation, arylation, alkynylation products. Up to now, he has published in the first level of SCI 11 papers (total of IF = 63.986) as first author in Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Organic Letters, Chemical Communications. He participated in writing Book Chapter in Science of Synthesis, Advances in Organoboron Chemistry towards Organic Synthesis. He attained 2017 Youth Innovation Fund Program of USTC at University of Science and Technology of China, from 2018/01 to 2019/12 as well as President’s International Fellowship Initiative Program (PIFI) at University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), from 2018/01 to 2019/12.
【工作/教育经历, Work/ Education Experience】
2020.7 −至今,讲师/硕士生导师,温州大学 (Wenzhou University; WZU), 新澳门六合彩资料
(College of Chemistry and Materials Engineering), 材料科学与工程系 (Department of Chemistry).
2017.7 − 2020.6,博士后(有机化学) Postdoc Fellow (Organic Chemistry), 中国科学技术大学 (University of Science and Technology of China; USTC), 化学与材料科学学院 (School of Chemistry & Materials Science), 导师:(合作导师:龚流柱 教授、傅尧 教授)。
Research Focus: Develop new synthetic approach cross-coupling reactions catalysis of gem-Difluorinated Cyclopropanes toward synthesis C–C bond-formation {C(sp3)–C(sp)/C–(sp2)/C(sp3)} as well as regio- and enantioselective studies.
2013.9 − 2017.6,博士(有机化学) Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Organic Chemistry, 中国科学技术大学中国科学技术大学 (University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), 化学与材料科学学院 (School of Chemistry & Materials Science), 导师:傅尧 教授。
Thesis title: Transition-Metal-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions of Epoxides and gem-Difluorinated Cyclopropanes.
Research Focus: Catalytic strategies of copper catalyst in organic synthesis of β- and γ-hydroxyl boronic esters from epoxides and their applications derived possibilities in further organic reactions. Additionally, palladium catalyst to synthesize 2-fluorinated allylic scaffolds via C–C bond activation/C–F bond cleavage.
2009.9 − 2013.7,硕士(有机化学) Master of Science (M.Sc.), Organic Chemistry, 西北师范大学 (Northwest Normal University; NWNU), 化学与化工学院 (College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering), 导师:胡玉来 教授。
Thesis title: Highly Enantio- and Diastereoselective Mannich Reaction of β-Ketoesters with Fluorinated Aldimine Catalyzed by Bifunctional Thiourea & Process for Preparing 1-(2’-HaloPhenyl)-3-Methyl Butanone-1.
Research Focus: Asymmetric organic synthesis for preparing organofluorine compounds using bifunctional thiourea catalysts. Organic synthesis of ketone intermediate for preparation Repaglinide drug (non-sullfonylurea hypoglycemic agent).
2000.8 − 2005.10,本科(化学专业) Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Honor’s degree of Chemistry, 喀土穆大学(University of Khartoum; UofK), 科学院 (Faculty of Science), 科学系 (Department of Chemistry).
【教学, Teaching】
§ Full-time Teaching Assistant (TA) at 喀土穆大学(University of Khartoum), 科学院 (Faculty of Science), 科学系 (Department of Chemistry), 喀土穆, 苏丹Khartoum-Sudan, since 2006 until 2009. Lesson subjects (Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Organic and Physical Chemistry).
§ Lecturer position at 喀土穆大学(University of Khartoum), 科学院 (Faculty of Science), 科学系 (Department of Chemistry), 喀土穆, 苏丹Khartoum-Sudan, since 2013 until 2017.
【学生培养, Student Supervision】
§ Zhang Jun, 硕士学生M.Sc. student, 温州大学Wenzhou University, Spring 2021−Present.
§ Yu Guo, 硕士学生M.Sc. student, 温州大学Wenzhou University, Spring and Summer 2020−2021.
§ Ayman M. Y. Suliman, 博士学生Ph.D. student, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), 2018−2021.
§ Kai-Feng Zhu, 硕士学生M.Sc. student, University of Science and Technology of China, 2019−2020.
§ Shang-Hai Yu, 硕士学生M.Sc. student, University of Science and Technology of China, Spring and Summer 2016.
§ Chu-Guo Yu, 硕士学生M.Sc. student, University of Science and Technology of China, Spring and Summer 2014−2015.
【科研成果, Scientific Achievements】#共同一作 Co-first author。【书/书章节,Book Chapter】
(1) Tian-Jun Gong#, Ebrahim-Alkhalil M. A. Ahmed#, and Yao Fu*. As Chapter 14 in the book of Science of Synthesis, "Advances in Organoboron Chemistry towards Organic Synthesis", Fernández, E., Ed.; Thieme: Stuttgart, 2019; p 459−500.
Book link: //science-of-synthesis.thieme.com/app/text/?id=SD-230-00248
【一作/通讯作者SCI论文,First-author and Co-first author Journal Papers】
(1) Shilong Ji#, Ebrahim-Alkhalil M. A. Ahmed#, Yingpeng Su*, Xiaowen Xia, Siying Chong, Ke-Hu Wang, Danfeng Huang, Ying Fu, Yulai Hu*. "Bifunctional Thiourea Catalyzed Asymmetric Mannich Reaction Using Trifluoromethyl Aldimine as Trifluoromethyl Building Blocks". Synlett., 2015, 26, 1725–1731.

(2) Jun Xu#, Ebrahim-Alkhalil M. A. Ahmed#, Bin Xiao, Qian-Qian Lu, Yun-Long Wang, Chu-Guo Yu, and Yao Fu*. "Palladium-Catalyzed Regioselective Activation of gem-Difluorinated Cyclopropanes: A Highly Efficient Approach to 2-Fluorinated Allylic Scaffolds". Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2015, 54, 8231–8235. (IF: 12.257, SCI一区).

(3) Ebrahim-Alkhalil M. A. Ahmed, Zhen-Qi Zhang, Tian-Jun Gong, Wei Su, Xiao-Yu Lu, Bin Xiao* and Yao Fu*. "Copper-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions of Epoxides with gem-Diborylmethane: Access to γ-Hydroxyl Boronic Esters". Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 4891–4893. (IF: 6.164, SCI一区). This study was highlighted in X-mol magazine (//www.x-mol.com/news/2498).

(4) Ebrahim-Alkhalil M. A. Ahmed, Xi Lu, Tian-Jun Gong, Zhen-Qi Zhang, Bin Xiao* and Yao Fu*. "Copper-Catalyzed/Mediated Borylation Reactions of Epoxides with Diboron Reagents. Access to β-Hydroxyl Boronic Esters". Chem. Commun., 2017, 53, 909–912. (IF: 6.164, SCI一区).

(5) Ebrahim-Alkhalil M. A. Ahmed, Ayman M. Y. Suliman, Tian-Jun Gong* and Yao Fu*. Palladium-Catalyzed Stereoselective Defluorination Arylation/ Alkenylation/Alkylation of gem-Difluorinated Cyclopropanes". Org. Lett., 2019, 21, 5645−5649. (IF: 6.579, SCI一区).

(6) Ebrahim-Alkhalil M. A. Ahmed, Ayman M. Y. Suliman, Tian-Jun Gong* and Yao Fu*. "Access to Divergent Fluorinated Enynes and Arenes via Palladium-Catalyzed Ring-Opening Alkynylation of gem-Difluorinated Cyclopro-panes". Org. Lett., 2020, 22, 1414−1419. (IF: 6.579, SCI一区).

(7) Ayman M. Y. Suliman#, Ebrahim-Alkhalil M. A. Ahmed#, Tian-Jun Gong* and Yao Fu*. "Cu/Pd-Catalyzed cis-Borylfluoroallylation of Alkynes for the Synthesis of Boryl-Substituted Monofluoroalkenes". Org. Lett. 2021, 23, 3259−3263. (IF: 6.579, SCI一区).
(8) Ayman M. Y. Suliman#, Ebrahim-Alkhalil M. A. Ahmed#, Tian-Jun Gong* and Yao Fu*. "Three-Component Reaction of gem-Difluorinated Cyclopropane with Alkenes and B2pin2 for the Synthesis of Monofluoroalkenes". Chem. Commun. 2021, doi.org/10.1039/D1CC01620B. (IF: 6.164, SCI一区).

(9) Yu Guo#, Ebrahim-Alkhalil M. A. Ahmed#, Hongxin Liu, Xinhua Li, Juan Li, De-Kun Ma*, Hong-Ping Xiao, Jun Jiang*. "Synthesis of 6-Alkynyl-6-hydroxyindoloquinazolinone Scaffolds via Copper Catalyzed Alkynylation of Tryptanthrins". Synlett. 2021, 32, 1428−1432.

(10) Lingchen He, Ebrahim-Alkhalil M. A. Ahmed, Hongxin Liu, Xingen Hu*, Hong-ping Xiao, Juan Li, and Jun Jiang*. "Asymmetric Construction of α‑Substituted β‑Hydroxy Lactones via Ni Catalyzed Decarboxylative Addition Reaction". J. Org. Chem., 2021, 86, 4825−4834. (IF: 4.335, SCI二区).
(11) Huiling Zhu, Peng Liu, Hongxin Liu, Ebrahim-Alkhalil M. A. Ahmed, Xingen Hu, Juan Li, Hong-Ping Xiao, Xinhua Lia and Jun Jiang*. "Asymmetric synthesis of δ-substituted-β-keto esters and β-substituted ketones via carboxyl-assisted site- and enantioselective addition reactions". Org. Chem. Front., 2022, 9, 2766–2772. (IF: 5.456, SCI一区). //pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2022/qo/d2qo00280a#!
(1) Yu-lai Hu, Ebrahim-Alkhalil M. A. Ahmed, Ke-hu Wang, Dan-feng Huang. "Process for Preparing 1-(2’-Halophenyl)-3-Methyl Butanone-1". Chinese Pat. Appl. CN 102942464 A, 27 Feb. 2013.
【Conference Paper, 会议论文】
(1) Ebrahim-Alkhalil M. A. Ahmed, Ying-peng Su, Ke-hu Wang, Dan-feng Huang, Yu-lai Hu*. "Highly Enantio- and Diastereoslective Mannich Reaction of β-Ketoesters with Fluorinated Aldimine Catalyzed by Bifunctional Thiourea". 28th annual meeting of chemical society of Gansu (//hxhg.ldxy.edu.cn/info/news/nianhui/nr/113988.htm), July 2013.
【科研项目及经费, Awards of Research Founding】
§ 中国科学技术大学,中国科学技术大学青年创新基金项目, Research Fund of Postdoc, 2017 Youth Innovation Fund Program of USTC at University of Science and Technology of China; on Palladium-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling of gem-Difluorinated Cyclopropanes with Organoboron Reagents . Awarded 150,000 RMB (主持),经费:15万,期限:2018.1 − 2019.12。
§ 中国科学院,国际人才计划博士后项目, 2018 President’s International Fellowship Initiative Program (PIFI) at University of Science and Technology of China; on Transition-Metal-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling of gem-Difluorinated Cyclopropanes and Alkenes with Organoboron Reagents. Awarded 500,000 RMB (主持),经费:50万,期限:2018.1 − 2019.12。
【荣誉和奖励,Awards and Fellowships】
§ Chinese Academic of Science & the World Academic of Science CAS-TWAS Fellowship at University of Science and Technology of China), 2013.
§ The excellent Ph.D. student for the best academic performance under "CAS-TWAS" Fellowship Program for Ph.D. international students at University of Science and Technology of China, 2017.
§ Faculty Prize for third year (B.Sc., Chemistry) for best academic performance at Faculty of Science, University of Khartoum, 2003.