
余小春 博士




1994.09-1998.07        杭州大学           获学士学位

1998.09-2003.07        浙江大学           获博士学位

2003.10-2005.03        美国Emory University                 博士后

   余教授从20054月以来在温州大学新澳门六合彩资料 从事有机化学的教学和有机合成研究工作。主要研究方向为非均相材料催化以及光电催化的有机合成。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目和青年基金各1项,浙江自然科学基金2项,省教育厅项目1项,温州市科技计划项目1项。在Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, Organic Letters, Chemical CommunicationJournal of Organic Chemistry等国外重要刊物上以通讯作者身份发表SCI论文20余篇,获国家发明专利多项。


[1] Luyao Liu, Jingyang Lin, Mingxuan Pang, Huile Jin, Xiaochun Yu,* Shun Wang*. Photo-Thermo-Mechanochemical Approach to Synthesize Quinolines via Addition /Cyclization of Sulfoxonium Ylides with 2Vinylanilines Catalyzed by Iron(II) Phthalocyanine, Org. Lett., 2022, 24, 1146-1151.

[2] Xiaolan Fang, Ji Cao, Weijie Ding, Huile Jin, Xiaochun Yu,* Shun Wang*. Synthesis of unsymmetrical azoxyarenes via coppercatalyzed aerobic oxidative dehydrogenative coupling of anilines with nitrosoarenes. Org. Lett., 2021, 23, 1228-1233.

[3] Chongyang Shi, Boxia Xu, Xiaolan Fang, Xiaochun Yu,* Huile Jin and Shun Wang.* Synthesis of unsymmetrical azoxyarenes via copper-catalyzed Aerobic oxidative dehydrogenative coupling of anilines with nitrosoarenes. Adv. Synth. Catal., 2021, 363, 1963-1967.

[4] Jitao Wang, Xiaochun Yu,* Chongyang Shi, Dajie Lin, Jun Li, Huile Jin, Xian Chen, Shun Wang,* Iron and nitrogen Codoped mesoporous carbonbased heterogeneous catalysts for selective reduction of nitroarenes, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2019, 361, 3525-3531.

[5] Weijie Ding, Shengshi Xu, Xiaochun Yu,* Shun Wang,* Synthesis of unsymmetrical aromatic azoxy compounds by silver-mediated oxidative coupling of aromatic amines with nitrosoarenes. Adv. Synth. Catal. 2019, 361, 1394- 1399.

[6] Xiaochun Yu,* Weijie Ding, Panyu Ge, Shun Wang,* and JichangWang,*Oxidative coupling of aromatic amines and nitrosoarenes: iodine-mediated formation of unsymmetrical aromatic azoxy compounds, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2018, 360, 3150-3156.

[7] Cheng Ren, Runxing Fang, Xiaochun Yu,* Shun Wang,* A highly effificient reusable homogeneous copper catalyst for the selective aerobic oxygenation sulfifides to sulfoxides. Tetrahedron Lett., 2018, 59, 982-986.

[8] Weijie Ding, Juan Hu, Huile Jin, Xiaochun Yu,* Shun Wang,* One-Pot Synthesis of α,β-Unsaturated Esters, Ketones, and Nitriles from Alcohols and Phosphonium Salts, Synthesis, 2018, 50, 107-118.

[9] Chongyang Shi, Cheng Ren, Erlei Zhang, Huile Jin, Xiaochun Yu,* Shun Wang*, Synthesis of b-amino alcohols using the tandem reduction and ring-opening reaction of nitroarenes and epoxides, Tetrahedron, 2016, 3839-3843.

[10] Bo Huang, Haiwen Tian, Shoushuai Lin, Meihua Xie, Xiaochun Yu,* Qing Xu,* Cu(I)/TEMPO-catalyzed aerobic oxidative synthesis of imines directly from primary and secondary amines under ambient and neat conditions, Tetrahedron Lett., 2013, 54, 28612864.

[11] Lan Jiang, Luolu Jin, Haiwen Tian, Xueqin Yuan, Xiaochun Yu,* Qing Xu,*Direct and mild palladium-catalyzed aerobic oxidative synthesis of imines from alcohols and amines under ambient conditions. Chem. Commun., 2011, 47 (38), 10833-10835.

[12] Chuanzhi Liu, Shiheng Liao, Qiang Li, Sunlin Feng, Qing Sun, Xiaochun Yu,* Qing Xu,*Discovery and mechanistic studies of a general air-promoted metal-catalyzed aerobic N-alkylation reaction of amides and amines with alcohols. J. Org. Chem., 2011,76 (14), 5759-5773.

[13] Xiaochun Yu, Chuanzhi Liu, Lan Jiang, Qing Xu,*Manganese dioxide catalyzed N-alkylation of sulfonamides and amines with alcohols under Air. Org. Lett., 2011, 13 (23), 6184-6187.

[14] Chuanzhi Liu, Xufeng Zang, Baohua Yu, Xiaochun Yu,* Qing Xu.* Microwave-promoted TBAF-catalyzed SNAr reaction of aryl fluorides and ArSTMS: an efficient synthesis of unsymmetrical diaryl thioethers.  Synlett. 2011, (8), 1143-1148.

Lu Liu, Mingde Ye, Xingen Hu, Xiaochun Yu,* Lixue Zhang, Xinxiang Lei.*Chiral solvating agents for carboxylic acids based on the salen moiety. Tetrahedron: Asmmetry. 2011, 22 (16-17), 1667-1671.