
吴芬 博士
  • 15088553919
  • 温州大学南校区11B-303
    • · DNA嵌段高分子的设计合成、组装以及生物医学方面的应用研究



    吴芬,副教授,硕士生导师,温州市国家大学科技园优秀创新人才(2019)、温州大学优秀教师(2020)、温州大学伊利康青年学者2022)。2011年于湘潭大学获理学学士学位,同年保送中国科学院化学研究所进行硕博连读,师从中国科学院化学研究所分子识别与功能重点实验室的范青华研究员和清华大学的刘冬生教授,2016年获得中国科学院大学博士学位。主要研究方向是DNA嵌段高分子的设计合成、组装以及生物医学方面的应用研究,在Adv. Mater.MacromoleculesACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces等国际期刊发表SCI论文十多篇。 








1.  Zhou, S.; Ye, J.; Zhao, X.; Zhou, Z.; Dong, Y.; Shi, Q.*; Liu, N. *; Wu, F. *, A DNA-Schiff base functional nanopore sensing platform for the highly sensitive detection of Al3+ and Zn2+ ions. Dalton Transactions 2023, 52 (6), 1524-1532.

2.  Liang, C.; Wu, F.; Miao, T. *; Zhang, P.; Zhang, W.; Wu, F. *; Shi, Q. *, Construction of a MOF-Supported Palladium Catalyst via Metal Metathesis. Chemistry – An Asian Journal 2023, 18 (1), e202201096.

3.  Ye, J.; Lu, X.; Zhao, X.; Wu, F. *; Dong, Y.; Shi, Q.; Xu, L. *, DNA-decorated multilamellar cholesterol assemblies for nucleic acid detection in the micrometer-scale solid-state nanopore. Polymer 2023, 267, 125676.

4.  Ye, J.; Cao, Y.; Lu, X.; Wu, F. *; Liu, N. *; Dong, Y.; Shi, Q. *, Self-assembly of DNA-organic hybrid amphiphiles by frame-guided assembly strategies. Giant 2022, 11, 100113.

5.  Zhang, J.; Zhou, S.; Tan, S.; Yi, K.; Jin, M.; Shi, Q.; Wu, F. *; Liu, N. *, Highly Sensitive Glass Nanopipette Sensor Using Composite Probes of DNA-Functionalized Metal–Organic Frameworks. Analytical Chemistry 2022, 94 (8), 3701-3707.

6.  Shi, J.; Shi, Z.; Dong, Y.; Wu, F. *; Liu, D. *, Responsive DNA-Based Supramolecular Hydrogels. ACS Applied Bio Materials 2020, 3 (5), 2827-2837.

7.  Wu, F.; * Ye, J.; Cao, Y.; Wang, Z.; Miao, T.; Shi, Q. *, Recent advances in fluorescence sensors based on DNA–MOF hybrids. Luminescence 2020, 35 (4), 440-446.

8.  Hu, X.; Liu, N.; Yang, H.; Wu, F.; Chen, X.; Li, C.; Chen, X., A reversible ion transportation switch of ON–OFF–ON type by a ligand-gated calix[6]arene channel. Chemical Communications 2019, 55 (20), 3008-3011.

9.  Zhang, Y.; Bao, D.; Wang, S.; Dong, Y.; Wu, F.; Li, H.; Liu, D., A Modularly Designable Vesicle for Sequentially Multiple Loading. Small 2018, 14 (8), 1703259.

10. Bian, B.; Zhang, Y.-Y.; Dong, Y.-C.; Wu, F.; Wang, C.; Wang, S.; Xu, Y.; Liu, D.-S., The investigation of the stability of DNA-b-PPO vesicles formed through frame guided assembly. Science China Chemistry 2018, 61 (12), 1568-1571.

11. Wu, F.; Zhao, Z.; Chen, C.; Cao, T.; Li, C.; Shao, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Qiu, D.; Shi, Q.; Fan, Q.-H. *; Liu, D. *, Self-Collapsing of Single Molecular Poly-Propylene Oxide (PPO) in a 3D DNA Network. Small 2018, 14 (10), 1703426.

12. Zhou, C.; Zhang, Y.; Dong, Y.; Wu, F.; Wang, D.; Xin, L.; Liu, D., Precisely Controlled 2D Free-Floating Nanosheets of Amphiphilic Molecules through Frame-Guided Assembly. Advanced Materials 2016, 28 (44), 9819-9823. 



