
何坤 博士
    • · 晶体在原位液态TEM中的生长机理 · 电池材料的电化学机理的原位TEM研究 · 界面化学 · 催化剂气态环境失效分析



  何坤,博士,副教授,温州大学化学与材料学院。于2009年在山东大学获得材料学学士学位,2012年在山东大学获得材料学硕士学位,2019年在伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校获得机械工程学博士学位。在美国西北大学纳米分析测试中心(NUANCE)中心从事一年的博士后研究后,获得了西北大学材料学院,纳米分析测试中心的助理研究员职位。20216月回国,加入温州大学化学与材料学院。主要从事原位电镜在材料生长,形核,失效的纳米尺度研究。探索和揭示材料的结构与复杂环境关系的基础研究。将原位液态电镜应用于生物材料的矿化,无机矿物的生长机理,电池材料的失效,催化剂的失效原理探究等方向。迄今,已发表SCI论文三十余篇,其中影响因子超过10的论文17篇,文章共被引用900多次(其中单篇最高为136次)。多次在美国及国际电镜,材料会议上做学术报告,并发表会议论文13篇。科研成果发表在Science AdvancesNano EnergyNano letter, CheNature CommunicationsAngewandte Chemie等高水平期刊。



1. K. He, Y. Yuan, W. Yao, K. You, M. Dahbi, J. Alami, K. Amine, R. ShahbazianYassar & J. Lu. Atomistic Insights of Irreversible Li+ Intercalation in MnO2 Electrode.Angewandte Chemie International Edition.(2022).//doi.org/10.1002/anie.202113420

2. K. He, K. Kim, C. J. Villa, S. M. Ribet, P. Smeets, R. d. Reis, P. W. Voorhees, X. Hu & V. P. Dravid. Degeneration Behavior of Cu Nanowires under Carbon Dioxide Environment: An In Situ/Operando Study.Nano letters.21, 6813-6819 (2021). DOI//doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.1c01592

3. K. He, M. Sawczyk, C. Liu, Y. Yuan, B. Song, R. Deivanayagam, A. Nie, X. Hu, V. P. Dravid & J. Lu. Revealing nanoscale mineralization pathways of hydroxyapatite using in situ liquid cell transmission electron microscopy.Science advances.6, eaaz7524 (2020).

4. K. He, T. Shokuhfar & R. Shahbazian-Yassar. Imaging of soft materials using in situ liquid-cell transmission electron microscopy.Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter.31, 103001 (2019).

5. Y. Yuan+,K. He+, B. W. Byles, C. Liu, K. Amine, J. Lu, E. Pomerantseva & R. Shahbazian-Yassar. Deciphering the atomic patterns leading to MnO2 polymorphism.Chem.5, 1793-1805 (2019).

6. K. He, X. Bi, Y. Yuan, T. Foroozan, B. Song, K. Amine, J. Lu & R. Shahbazian-Yassar. Operando liquid cell electron microscopy of discharge and charge kinetics in lithium-oxygen batteries.Nano Energy.49, 338-345 (2018).

7. K. He, A. Nie, Y. Yuan, S. M. Ghodsi, B. Song, E. Firlar, J. Lu, Y.-p. Lu, T. Shokuhfar & C. M. Megaridis. In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy Explores a New Nanoscale Pathway for Direct Gypsum Formation in Aqueous Solution.ACS Applied Nano Materials.1, 5430-5440 (2018).

8. Y. Yuan+, C. Zhan+,K. He+, H. Chen, W. Yao, S. Sharifi-Asl, B. Song, Z. Yang, A. Nie & X. Luo. The influence of large cations on the electrochemical properties of tunnel-structured metal oxides.Nature communications.7, 1-9 (2016).

9. K. He, Y. Yuan, Y.-P. Lu, T. Shokuhfar & R. Shahbazian-Yassar. Dynamic studies of solution-based reactions using operando TEM.Microscopy and Microanalysis.21, 263-264 (2015).

10. K. He, G.-Y. Xiao, W.-H. Xu, R.-F. Zhu & Y.-P. Lu. Ultrasonic enhancing amorphization during synthesis of calcium phosphate.Ultrason. Sonochem.21, 499-504 (2014).

11. J. S. Du,K. He, Y. Xu, C. B. Wahl, D. D. Xu, V. P. Dravid & C. A. Mirkin. Galvanic Transformation Dynamics in Heterostructured Nanoparticles.Advanced Functional Materials.31, 2105866 (2021).

12. B. Song, Y. Yang, T. T. Yang,K. He, X. Hu, Y. Yuan, V. P. Dravid, M. R. Zachariah, W. A. Saidi & Y. Liu. Revealing High-Temperature Reduction Dynamics of High-Entropy Alloy Nanoparticles via In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy.Nano letters.21, 1742-1748 (2021).

13. X. Zhang, T. Liu, T. Guo, Z. Mu, X. Hu,K. He, X. Chen, V. P. Dravid, Z. Wu & D. Wang. High-Performance MoC Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Enabled by Surface Sulfur Substitution.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.13, 40705-40712 (2021).

14. Z. Zhang, S. Yao, X. Hu, F. Okejiri,K. He, P. Liu, Z. Tian, V. P. Dravid, J. Fu & X. Zhu. Sacrificial Synthesis of Supported Ru Single Atoms and Clusters on Ndoped Carbon Derived from Covalent Triazine Frameworks: A Charge Modulation Approach.Advanced Science.8, 2001493 (2021).

15. B. Shen, L. Huang, J. Shen,K. He, C. Y. Zheng, V. P. Dravid, C. Wolverton & C. A. Mirkin. Crystal structure engineering in multimetallic high-index facet nanocatalysts.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.118 (2021).

16. H. Yan,K. He, I. A. Samek, D. Jing, M. G. Nanda, P. C. Stair & J. M. Notestein. Tandem In2O3-Pt/Al2O3 catalyst for coupling of propane dehydrogenation to selective H2 combustion.Science.371, 1257-1260 (2021).

17. J. Lee, H. Kim, L. Gautam,K. He, X. Hu, V. P. Dravid & M. Razeghi. inPhotonics.17 (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute).

18. B. Song, Y. Yang, M. Rabbani, T. T. Yang,K. He, X. Hu, Y. Yuan, P. Ghildiyal, V. P. Dravid & M. R. Zachariah. In situ oxidation studies of high-entropy alloy nanoparticles.ACS nano.14, 15131-15143 (2020).

19. X. Fu, X. Zhao, X. Hu,K. He, Y. Yu, T. Li, Q. Tu, X. Qian, Q. Yue & M. R. Wasielewski. Alternative route for electrochemical ammonia synthesis by reduction of nitrate on copper nanosheets.Applied Materials Today.19, 100620 (2020).

20. L. Wang, Z. Huang, B. Wang, H. Luo, M. Cheng, Y. Yuan,K. He, T. Foroozan, R. Deivanayagam & G. Liu. Metalorganic framework derived 3D graphene decorated NaTi 2 (PO 4) 3 for fast Na-ion storage.Nanoscale.11, 7347-7357 (2019).

21. B. Song,K. He, Y. Yuan, S. Sharifi-Asl, M. Cheng, J. Lu, W. A. Saidi & R. Shahbazian-Yassar. In situ study of nucleation and growth dynamics of Au nanoparticles on MoS 2 nanoflakes.Nanoscale.10, 15809-15818 (2018).

22. A. Ramachandran,K. He, C.-C. Huang, R. Shahbazian-Yassar, T. Shokuhfar & A. George. TRIP-1 in the extracellular matrix promotes nucleation of calcium phosphate polymorphs.Connective tissue research.59, 13-19 (2018).

23. M.-L. Qi,K. He, Z.-N. Huang, R. Shahbazian-Yassar, G.-Y. Xiao, Y.-P. Lu & T. Shokuhfar. Hydroxyapatite Fibers: A Review of Synthesis Methods.JOM.69, 1354-1360 (2017).

24. G. Tan, L. Chong, R. Amine, J. Lu, C. Liu, Y. Yuan, J. Wen,K. He, X. Bi & Y. Guo. Toward highly efficient electrocatalyst for LiO2 batteries using biphasic N-doping cobalt@ graphene multiple-capsule heterostructures.Nano Lett.17, 2959-2966 (2017).

25. A. R. Ribeiro, A. Mukherjee, X. Hu, S. Shafien, R. Ghodsi,K. He, S. Gemini-Piperni, C. Wang, R. F. Klie & T. Shokuhfar. Bio-camouflage of anatase nanoparticles explored by in situ high-resolution electron microscopy.Nanoscale.9, 10684-10693 (2017).

26. A. Nie, L. y. Gan, Y. Cheng, X. Tao, Y. Yuan, S. SharifiAsl,K. He, H. AsayeshArdakani, V. Vasiraju & J. Lu. Ultrafast and Highly Reversible Sodium Storage in ZincAntimony Intermetallic Nanomaterials.Adv. Funct. Mater.26, 543-552 (2016).

27. Y. Yuan, L. Ma,K. He, W. Yao, A. Nie, X. Bi, K. Amine, T. Wu, J. Lu & R. Shahbazian-Yassr. Dynamic study of (De) sodiation in alpha-MnO2 nanowires.Nano Energy.19, 382-390 (2016).

28. N. D. Manne, R. Arvapalli, N. Nepal, S. Thulluri, V. Selvaraj, T. Shokuhfar,K. He, K. M. Rice, S. Asano & M. Maheshwari. Therapeutic potential of cerium oxide nanoparticles for the treatment of peritonitis induced by polymicrobial insult in Sprague-Dawley rats.Crit. Care Med.43, e477-e489 (2015).

29. S. Rogers, K. M. Rice, N. D. Manne, T. Shokuhfar,K. He, V. Selvaraj & E. R. Blough. Cerium oxide nanoparticle aggregates affect stress response and function in Caenorhabditis elegans.SAGE open medicine.3, 2050312115575387 (2015).

30. Y. Yuan, A. Nie, G. M. Odegard, R. Xu, D. Zhou, S. Santhanagopalan,K. He, H. Asayesh-Ardakani, D. D. Meng & R. F. Klie. Asynchronous crystal cell expansion during lithiation of K+-stabilized α-MnO2.Nano Lett.15, 2998-3007 (2015).

31. Y. Yuan, S. M. Wood,K. He, W. Yao, D. Tompsett, J. Lu, A. Nie, M. S. Islam & R. Shahbazian-Yassar. Atomistic insights into the oriented attachment of tunnel-based oxide nanostructures.ACS nano.10, 539-548 (2016).

32. X. Zhang, G.-y. Xiao, X.-c. Zhao,K. He, W.-h. Xu & Y.-p. Lu. Rapid early formation and crystal refinement of chemical conversion hopeite coatings induced by substrate sandblasting.New J. Chem.39, 7942-7947 (2015).