1. 浙江省重点研发计划项目:典型工业园区清洁生产与循环经济关键技术集成示范--制革含铬皮屑全程监管及减量化和资源化技术研究与产业化, 2017C03055,130万,2017.1-2020.3,主持。
2. 浙江省公益技术研究工业项目:制革无铬复鞣系统的构建,2015C31131,2015.1-2018.12,45万,主持。
3. 温州市科技计划项目:皮革用锆单宁无铬复鞣系统的构建与应用研究,G20140041,8万,主持。
1.Shen Xiaojun, Peng Yulan, et al. Preparation of porous TiO2 photocatalyts with different crystal phases and high catalytic activity by simple calcination of titanate nanofibers. RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 45742-45745.
2.Shen Xiaojun, Li Hong, et al. Titanate nanowire as a precursor for facile morphology control of TiO2 catalysts with enhanced photocatalytic activity.compressed. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 687, 927-936.
3.陈树,兰云军,沈晓军*. 原儿茶酸与锆离子的相互作用及其鞣制性能研究. 中国皮革,2018,47,27-28.
4.余洁,兰云军,沈晓军*. 没食子酸与锆离子的相互作用及其鞣制性能研究. 中国皮革,2014,19,11-16.
5. 蒲建民,毛培,沈晓军*,罗卫平,兰云军. 保毛脱毛回收牛毛碱水解工艺的研究. 皮革科学与工程,2014,3,52-58.
6.Shen xiaojun, Tian Baozhu, Zhang jinlong. Tailored preparation of titania with controllable phases of anatase and brookite by a alkalescent hydrothermal route. Catalysis Today, 2013, 201, 151-158.
7.Shen xiaojun, Zhang jinlong, Tian Baozhu. Facile tailoring of titanate nanostructures at low alkaline concentration by a solvothermal route. Journal of Materials Science 2012, 47, 3855-3866.
8.Shen xiaojun, Zhang jinlong, Tian Baozhu, Anpo Masakazu. Tartaric acid-assisted preparation and photocatalytic performance of titania nanoparticles with controllable phases of anatase and brookite. Journal of Materials Science, 2012, 47, 5743-5751.
9.Shen xiaojun, Zhang jinlong, Tian Baozhu. Microemulsion-mediated solvothermal synthesis and photocatalytic properties of crystalline titania with controllable phases of anatase and rutile. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2011, 192, 651-657.