
余卫芳 博士
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余卫芳,女,19967月毕业于浙江大学化工系,获工学学士学位。19967月至199912月在大庆油田化工总厂工作。20035月毕业于National University of Singapore (新加坡国立大学),获博士学位。20035月至20071月,在National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology(AIST), Japan (日本国家产业技术综合研究所)作博士后研究员。20082月进入温州大学新澳门六合彩资料 从事教学和研究工作。






Multi-objective optimization of the heat integrated reactive distillation column (热集成反应精馏塔的多目标优化)



National University of Singapore Research Scholarship (新加坡国立大学研究奖学金) 2000.12003.4
JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellowship for Foreign Researcher (日本学术振兴会外国人博士后研究奖) 2005.42007.3



1Weifang Yu, K. Hidajat, Ajay K. Ray, Optimal operation of reactive simulated moving bed and varicol systems, J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., 78(2-3), 287-293, 2003.
2Weifang Yu, K. Hidajat, Ajay K. Ray, Modeling, simulation and experimental study of a simulated moving bed reactor for the synthesis of methyl acetate ester, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 42(26), 6743-6754, 2003.
3Weifang Yu, K. Hidajat, Ajay K. Ray, Application of multi-objective optimization in the design and operation of reactive SMB and its experimental verification, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 42(26), 6823-6831, 2003.
4W. Yu, H. J. Subramani, Z. Zhang, K. Hidajat, A. K. Ray, Application of multi-objective optimization in the design of SMB in chemical process industry, J. Chin. Inst. Chem. Eng., 35(1), 141-148, 2004.
5Weifang Yu, K. Hidajat, Ajay K. Ray, Determination of adsorption and kinetic parameters for methyl acetate esterification and hydrolysis catalyzed by Amberlyst 15, Appl. Catal. A: General, 260(2), 191-205, 2004.
6W. Yu, T. Ohmori, T. Yamamoto, A. Endo, M. Nakaiwa, T. Hayakawa, N. Itoh, Simulation of a porous ceramic membrane reactor for hydrogen production, in press, Int. J. Hydrogen Energ., 30, 1071-1079, 2005.
7Takao Ohmori, Weifang Yu, Takuji Yamamoto, Akira Endo, Masaru Nakaiwa, Takashi Amemiya, Tomohiko Yamaguchi, On enzymatic pH oscillations in CSTR, Chem. Phys. Lett., 407, 48-52, 2005.
8W. Yu, K. Hidajat, A. K. Ray, Optimization of hydrolysis of methyl acetate in simulated moving bed reactor and varicol processes, Chem. Eng. J., 112, 57-72, 2005.
9Takao Ohmori, Weifang Yu, Takuji Yamamoto, Akira Endo, Masaru Nakaiwa, Naotsugu Itoh, Simulation Study on Ceramic Membrane Reactor for Hydrogen Production, J. Chin. Inst. Chem. Eng., 28(7), 1069-1075, 2005.
10Naotsugu Itoh, Tasuku Yamamoto, Takafumi Sato, W. Yu, Takao Ohmori, Kinetic Analysis on Low-temperature Steam Reforming of Methane Using a Ruthenium Supported Catalyst, Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy, 85, 307-313, 2006.
11Weifang Yu, Takao Ohmori, Takuji Yamamoto, Akira Endo, Masaru Nakaiwa, Naotsugu Itoh, Multi-objective Optimization of Membrane Reactors for Hydrogen Production, Chem. Eng. Sci., 62, 5627, 2007.
12Weifang Yu, Takao Ohmori, Takuji Yamamoto, Akira Endo, Masaru Nakaiwa, Naotsugu Itoh, A Comparative Simulation Study of Methane Steam Reforming in a Porous Ceramic Membrane Reactor Using Nitrogen and Steam as Sweep Gases, in press, Int. J. Hydrogen Energ., 2008.