
雷云祥 博士
  • 化温州大学南校区11B-203/11D-209
    • 荧光/掺杂磷光材料等有机发光材料的开发与研究



雷云祥,北京理工大学博士,副研究员,硕士生导师,温州大学瓯江特聘教授。以第一作者或者通讯作者身份在Nat. Commun., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Adv. Funct. Mater., Chem. Sci., ACS Materials Lett., J. Phys. Chem. Lett., J. Mater. Chem. C. Chem. Eng. J. 等国际期刊上发表论文40余篇,其中JCR 1区文章25篇,高被引论文6篇,主持国家自然科学基金(青年)一项。


1. Xiao, F. M.; Gao, H. Q.; Lei, Y. X.;* Dai, W. B.; Liu, M. C.; Zheng, X. Y.; Cai, Z. X.; Huang, X. B.; * Wu, H. Y.; Ding, D.* Guest-Host Doped Strategy for Constructing Ultralong-Lifetime Near-Infrared Organic Phosphorescence Materials for Bioimaging. Nat. Commun. 2022, 13, 186.

2. Lei, Y. X.; Dai, W. B.; Guan, J. X.; Guo, S.; Ren, F.; Zhou, Y. D.; Shi, J. B.; Tong, B.; Cai, Z. X.;* Zheng, J. R.; Dong, Y. P.* Wide-Range Color-Tunable Organic Phosphorescence Materials for Printable and Writable Security Inks. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 16054-16060.

3. Yang, J. H.; Wu, X. H.; Shi, J. B.; Tong, B.; Lei, Y. X.;* Cai, Z. X.;* Dong, Y. P. * Achieving Efficient Phosphorescence and Mechanoluminescence in Organic Host-Guest System by Energy Transfer. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2021, 31, 2108072.

4. Lei, Y. X.; Yang, J. F.;Dai, W. B.; Lan, Y. S.; Yang, J. H.; Zheng, X. Y.; Shi, J. B.; Tong, B.; Cai, Z. X.;* Dong, Y. P.* Efficient and Organic Host-Guest Room-Temperature Phosphorescence: Tunable Triplet-Singlet Crossing and Theoretical Calculations for Molecular Packing. Chem. Sci. 2021, 12, 6518-6525.

5. Hang. X. D.; Chen, K. J.; Lei, Y. X.;* Huang, J. H.; Wei, S, J,; Cai, Z. X.; Wu, H. Y.;* Liu, M. C.; Huang, X. B.;* Dong, Y. P. Dual-Guests Synergistically Tune the Phosphorescence Properties of Doped Systems Through Chemical Interactions with Bases. ACS Materials Lett. 2022, 4, 1764-1773.

6. Guo, Y.; Chen, K. J.; Hu, Z, C.; Lei, Y. X.;* Liu, X. Q.; Liu, M. C.; Cai, Z. X.;* Xiao, J. W.; Wu, H. Y.; Huang, X. B.;* Dong, Y. P. Metal Ions as the Third Component Coordinate with the Guest to Stereoscopically Enhance the Phosphorescence Properties of Doped Materials. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2022, 13, 7607-7617.

7. Wang, D.; Xie, Y. F.; Wu, X. H.; Lei, Y. X.;* Zhou, Y. B.; Cai, Z. X.;* Liu, M. C.; Wu, H. Y.; Huang, X. B.;* Dong, Y. P. Excitation-Dependent Triplet-Singlet Intensity from Organic Host-Guest Materials: Tunable Color, White-Light Emission, and Room-Temperature Phosphorescence. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2021, 12, 1814-1821.

8. Liu, X. Q.; Pan, Y. Y.; Lei, Y. X.;* Liu, N. N.; Dai, W. B.; Liu, M. C.; Cai, Z. X.;* Wu, H. Y.; Huang, X. B.;* Dong, Y. P. Influence of Guest/Host Morphology on Room Temperature Phosphorescence Properties of Pure Organic Doped Systems. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2021, 12, 7357-7364.

9. Lei, Y. X.; Dai, W. B.; Tian, Y.; Yang, J. H.; Li, P. F,; Shi, J. B.; Tong, B.; Cai, Z. X.;* Zheng, J. R.; Dong, Y. P.* Revealing Insight into Long-Lived Room-Temperature Phosphorescence of Host-Guest Systems. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 10, 6019-6025.

10. Liu, N. N.; Pan, Y. Y.; Lei, Y. X.;* Liu, M. C.; Peng, C. D.; Cai, Z. X.;* Shen, G. M.; Wu, H. Y.; Huang, X. B.;* Dong, Y. P. Protic Acids as Third Components Improve the Phosphorescence Properties of The Guest-Host System through Hydrogen Bonds. Chem. Eng. J. 2022, 433, 133530.

11. Wang, M. Z.; Li, F. Y.; Lei, Y. X.;* Xiao, F. M.; Liu, M. C.; Liu, S. J.; Huang, X.  B.;* Wu, H. Y.;* Zhao, Q.* Excitation-Dependent Organic Phosphors Exhibiting Different Luminescence Colors for Information Anti-Counterfeiting. Chem. Eng. J. 2022, 429, 132288.

12. Zhang, X. Y.; Wang, D.; Lei, Y. X.;* Liu, M. C.; Cai, Z. X.; Wu, H. Y.;* Shen, G. M.; Huang, X. B.;* Dong, Y. P. Selenium Atoms Induce Organic Doped Systems to Produce Pure Phosphorescence Emission. Chem. Commun. 2022, 58, 1179-1182.

13. Xu, X. Y.; Chen, K. J.; Lei, Y. X.;* Sun, X. Y.; Liu, M. C.; Wu, H. Y.; Huang, X. B.* Guest-activated Quaternary Ammonium Salt Hosts Emit Room Temperature Phosphorescence. Chem. Commun. 2022, 58, 11143-11146.

14. Chen, K. J.; Jiang, Y. T.; Zhu, Y. B.; Lei, Y. X.;* Dai, W. B,; Liu, M. C.; Cai, Z. X.;* Wu, H. Y.; Huang, X. B.;* Dong, Y. P. Host to Regulate the T1-S1 and T1-S0 Processes of Guest Excitons in Doped Systems to Control the TADF and RTP Emissions. J. Mater. Chem. C 2022, 10, 11607-11613.

15. Liu, X. Q.; Dai, W. B.; Qian, J. J.; Lei, Y. X.;* Liu, M. C.; Cai, Z. X.;* Huang, X. B.;* Wu, H. Y.; Dong, Y. P. Pure Room Temperature Phosphorescence Emission of An Organic Host–Guest Doped System with A Quantum Efficiency of 64%. J. Mater. Chem. C. 2021, 9, 3391-3395.

16. Xiao, F. M.; Wang, M. Z.; Lei, Y. X.;* Dai, W. B.; Zhou, Y. B.; Liu, M. C.; Gao, W. X.; Huang, X. B.;* Wu, H. Y.* Achieving Crystal-Induced Room Temperature Phosphorescence and Reversible Photochromic Properties by Strong Intermolecular Interactions. J. Mater. Chem. C. 2020, 8, 17410-17416.

17. Chen, Y. T.; Xie, Y. F.; Shen, H.; Lei, Y. X.;* Zhou, Y. B.; Dai, W. B.; Cai, Z. X.;* Liu, M. C.; Huang, X. B.;* Wu, H. Y. Tunable Phosphorescence/Fluorescence Dual Emissions of Organic Isoquinoline-Benzophenone Doped Systems by Alkoxy Engineering. Chem. Eur. J. 2020, 26, 17376–17380.