张银行 讲师
,依托浙江省碳材料技术研究重点实验室,主要开展高导热热界面材料、碳基电热薄膜及硅负极高性能粘结剂的制备及开发。以第一作者或通讯者等在Carbon, Small, Composites Part B, Chemical Engineering Journal, Advanced Functional Materials, Composites Part A, Polymer, Angewandte Chemie等国际权威期刊发表SCI学术论文30余篇,其中影响因子大于10的有9篇,高被引论文1篇,h指数21,参与韩国发明专利2项。
2009.9-2013.6 天津工业大学 本科
2013.9-2016.6 韩国Kchoreate 硕士
2016.9-2020.8 韩国仁荷大学 博士
2020.09-2022.06 香港中文大学,SSE,博士后
2022.06-至今 温州大学,讲师
Chemical Engineering Journal, Composites Science and Technology, Polymer, Diamond and related materials, Carbon等十几个期刊审稿人.
国家优秀公派生 (2018、2019)
Zhang Y, Wang W, Zhang F, et al. Soft Organic Thermoelectric Materials: Principles, Current State of the Art and Applications[J]. Small, 2022, 18(12): 2104922.
Zhang Y, Wang W, Zhang F, et al. Micro-diamond assisted bidirectional tuning of thermal conductivity in multifunctional graphene nanoplatelets/nanofibrillated cellulose films[J]. Carbon, 2022, 189: 265-275.
Zhang Y, Fan Y, Kamran U, et al. Improved thermal conductivity and mechanical property of mercapto group-activated boron nitride/elastomer composites for thermal management[J]. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2022, 156: 106869.
Zhang, Y.; Heo, Y.-J.; Son, Y.-R.; In, I.; An, K.-H.; Kim, B.-J.; Park, S.-J. Recent advanced thermal interfacial materials: A review of conducting mechanisms and parameters of carbon materials. Carbon. 2019, 142, 445–460.
Zhang, Y.; Rhee, K. Y.;Park, S.-J. Facile design of a domestic thermoelectric generator by tailoring the thermoelectric performance of volume-controlled expanded graphite/PVDF composites. Compos. Part B Eng. 2019, 176,1-6.
Zhang, Y.; Park, S.-J. Influence of the nanoscaled hybrid based on nanodiamond@graphene oxide architecture on the rheological and thermo-physical performances of carboxylated-polymeric composites. Compos. Part A Appl. Sci. Manuf. 2018, 112.
Zhang, Y.; Choi, J. R.; Park, S.-J. Enhancing the heat and load transfer efficiency by optimizing the interface of hexagonal boron nitride/elastomer nanocomposites for thermal management applications. Polymer (Guildf). 2018, 143.
Zhang, Y.; Rhee, K. Y.; Hui, D.; Park, S.-J. A critical review of nanodiamond based nanocomposites: Synthesis, properties and applications. Compos. Part B Eng. 2018, 143.
Zhang, Y.; Rak Choi, J.; Park, S.-J. Interlayer polymerization in amine-terminated macromolecular chain-grafted expanded graphite for fabricating highly thermal conductive and physically strong thermoset composites for thermal management applications. Compos. Part A Appl. Sci. Manuf. 2018.
Zhang, Y.; Park, S.-J. Imidazolium-optimized conductive interfaces in multilayer graphene nanoplatelet/epoxy composites for thermal management applications and electroactive devices. Polymer (Guildf). 2019, 168, 53–60.
Zhang, Y.; Choi, J. R.; Park, S.-J. Thermal conductivity and thermo-physical properties of nanodiamond-attached exfoliated hexagonal boron nitride/epoxy nanocomposites for microelectronics. Compos. Part A Appl. Sci. Manuf. 2017, 101.
Zhang, Y.; Rhee, K. Y.; Park, S.-J. Nanodiamond nanocluster-decorated graphene oxide/epoxy nanocomposites with enhanced mechanical behavior and thermal stability. Compos. Part B Eng. 2017, 114.