长期致力于非线性化学反应动力学调控合成纳米材料及其能源应用研究。曾获国家公派留学基金1项,近年来,主持2项国家自然科学基金项目。发表SCI学术论文50多篇,其中以第一/通讯作者发表影响因子>10 的论文7篇,包括Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.(2篇)、Adv.Mater.(1篇)、Adv.Energy Mater.(1篇)、Nano Energy (2 篇)、 Energy Storage Mater.(1篇)。多项研究成果被全球科技媒体如Material View、X-mol等报道,并应邀为Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、Adv. Energy Mater.等撰写综述论文。多次应邀在国际和国内会议、高校等邀请报告。获授权中国发明专利23项。参与《Nat. Commun.》《Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.》、《Adv. Energy Mater.》《Nano Energy》等国际高水平期刊审稿。
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,有机多硫化物复合固体电解质的设计合成、形成机理及在全固态锂离子电池中的应用研究(项目号:51972239,2020.01-2023.12,60万元,在研,主持)。
2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,钯{hkl}纳米晶的非平衡可控生长及在三效催化剂中的应用(项目号:21403145,2015.01-2017.12,25万元,结题,主持)。
1. Li Jun, Yuan Yifei, Shun Wang,* et al. “One-Step Nonlinear Electrochemical Synthesis of TexSy@PANI Nanorod Materials for Li-TexSy Battery”. Energy Storage Materials, 2019, 16, 31-36.
2. Li Jun, Huile Jin, Shun Wang,*, et al. “Encapsulating Phosphorus inside Carbon Nanotubes via a Solution Approach for Advanced Lithium Ion Host”. Nano Energy, 2019, 58, 23-29.
3. Lu, Hang, Li Jun,* Lu Jun,* et al. “Tailoring conductive networks within hollow carbon nanospheres to host phosphorus for advanced sodium ion batteries” Nano Energy, 2020, 70, 104569.
4. Jin Huile(#), Bu Yongfeng(#), Li Jun,(#) Shun Wang,* et al. “Strong Graphene 3D Assemblies with High Elastic Recovery and Hardness”. Adv. Mater., 2018, 30, 1707424.
6. Jin Huile(#), Feng Xin(#), Li Jun,(#) Shun Wang,* et. al. Heteroatom-Doped Porous Carbon Materials with Unprecedented High Volumetric Capacitive Performance. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2019, 58, 2397-2401.
7. Jin Huile(#), Li Jun,(#) et. al. Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Thermoelectric Materials and Devices. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2019, 58, 15206-15226.
8. Jin Huile(#), Li Jun(#), Yuan Yifei(#), Shun Wang,* et al. “Recent Progress in Biomass-Derived Electrode Materials for High Volumetric Performance Supercapacitors”. Adv. Energy Mater., 2018, 8, 1801007.
9. Li Jun, Wang Jichang, “Electrochemical Recognition of Chiral Molecules with Poly(4-bromoaniline) Modified Gold Electrode”. Electroanalysis, 2013, 25, 1975-1980.
10. Li Jun, Wang Jichang, “Complex Dynamical Behavior in the Highly Photosensitive Cerium-Bromate-1,4-Benzoquinone Reaction”. J. Phys. Chem. A, 2012, 116, 8130-8137.
11. Li Jun, Wang Jichang, “Complex Kinetics and Significant Influences of Bromine Removal in Ferroin-Bromate-Metol Reaction”. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2011, 13, 15539-15545.
12. Li Jun, Wang Jichang, “Design of Batch Minimal Bromate Oscillator”. Chem. Phys. Lett., 2011, 508, 320-323.
13. Li Jun, Wang Jichang, “Subtle Photochemical Behavior in Ferroin Bromate Benzoquinone Reaction”. J. Phys. Chem. A, 2012, 116, 386-390.
14. Li Jun, “The Design and Manipulation of Bromate-Based Chemical Oscillators”. Thesis, UTD, Canada, 2013.
15. Yan Chengzhan, Li Jun, Lei Yong,* et al. “Mild-temperature solution-assisted encapsulation of phosphorus into ZIF-8 derived porous carbon as lithium-ion battery anode” Small, 2020, DOI:10.1002/smll.201907141.
16. Yang Zhengzheng, Li Jun, et al. "Size-Dependent CO and Propylene Oxidation Activities of Platinum Nanoparticles on the Monolithic Pt/TiO2-YOx Diesel Oxidation Catalyst under Simulative Diesel Exhaust Conditions". Catalysis Science & Technology, 2015, 5, 2358-2365.
17. Wu Ganxue, Li Jun, et al. "FeVO4 Nanorods Supported on TiO2 as a Superior Catalyst for NH3-SCR Reaction in a Broad Temperature Range". Catalyst Communiction, 2015, 64, 75-79.
18. Wu Ganxue, Li Jun, et al. “Effectively Enhance Catalytic Performance by Adjusting pH during the Synthesis of Active Components over FeVO4/TiO2-WO3-SiO2 Monolith Catalysts”. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 271, 1-13.
19. Hu Xuefeng, Li Jun, Wang Jichang, “Designed Deposition of Copper Nanoparticles on/inside a Conductive Polymer Matrix”. ECS Electrochemistry Letters, 2014, 3, D13-D15.
20. Hu Xuefeng, Li Jun, Wang Jichang, “Carbon modified electrodes for determination of dihydroxybenzene isomers”. Electrochem. Commun., 2012, 21, 73-76.
21. Gao Qingyu, Li Jun, et al. “Spiral Instabilities in Media Supporting Complex Oscillations Under Periodic Forcing”. Chaos, 2009, 19, 033134/6.
备注:# as co-first author, * as corresponding author