在国内外学术刊物发表研究论文50余篇,其中被SCI. 、 Ei. 收录40余篇,另有著作4 部,获授权发明专利2 项。为温州大学首届“双百联动计划”服务地方十佳个人。分别参与承担了包括国家“ 863 ”、海军装备部预研、国家自然科学基金、浙江省重大科技专项在内的 10 余项国家和省部级科研项目。参加的项目获得温州市科技进步二等奖、浙江省科技进步三等奖。
[01] Haitao Liu , Jiasong Zhong, Xiaojuan Liang, Jingfeng Zhang, Weidong Xiang. A mild biomolecule-assisted route for preparation of flower-like AgBiS2 crystals. Journal of Alloys and Compounds , 2011,509(27): L267-L272.Doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2011.04.073.
[02] Xinyu Yang, Haitao Liu, Haijun Zhao, Xiyan Zhang, Xiaojuan Liang, Weidong Xiang. Fabrication and third-order optical nonlinearities of Na2O-B2O3- SiO2 glasses containing Bi, B2O3 and Bi2S3 crystals. (Corresponding author) Materials Chemistry and Physics , 2011,129 ( 1-2 ) : 121-129. Doi:10.1016/j.matchemphys.
[03] Xinyu Yang, Weidong Xiang, Haitao Liu, Haijun Zhao, Xiyan Zhang, Xiaojuan Liang. Microstructures and the third-order optical nonlinearities of semimetal Bi nanocrystals in the sodium borosilicate glass. (Corresponding author) Materials Letters, 2011,65: 1959-1962. DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.
[04] Xinyu Yang, Weidong Xiang, Haijun Zhao, Haitao Liu, Xiyan Zhang, Xiaojuan Liang. Nonlinear saturable absorption of the sodium borosilicate glass containing Bi2S3 nanocrystals using Z-scan technique, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2011, 509(26): 7283-7289 DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2011.04.078.
[05] Xiaojuan Liang, Jiasong Zhong, FanYang, Wei Hua, Huaidong Jin, Haitao Liu, Juncai Sun, Weidong Xiang. Preparation of CuIn1-xGaxS2(x=0.5) flowers consisting of nanoflakes via a solvothermal method.( Corresponding author) Journal of Alloys and Compounds , 2011, 509(21): 6200-6205
[06] LIU Hai-Tao, ZHONG Jia-Song, LIU Bing-Feng, LIANG Xiao-Juan, YANG Xin-Yu, JIN Huai-Dong, YANG Fan, XIANG Wei-Dong. L-cystine-Assisted Growth and Mechanism of CuInS2 Nanocrystallines via Solvothermal Process. Chinese Physics Letters, 2011, 28(5): 057702
[07] Haitao Liu , Jun Dai, Jiajia Zhang, Weidong Xiang. Solvothermal synthesis of Bi2Se3 hexagonal nanosheet crystals. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 236-238: 1712-1716.
[08] Haitao Liu, Jingfeng Zhang, Yiguang Tian, Xuejun Weng, Shie Lin. Mechanical and Vulcanization Behaviors of SBR/N330 and SBR/N330/PBMCN Nanocomposites. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 230-232: 103-106.
[09] Haitao Liu, Jiasong Zhong, Xiaojuan Liang, Jingfeng Zhang, Weidong Xiang. L-cysteine-Assisted Synthesis of AgInS2 microspheres. 无机材料学报 , 2011, 26(11):1221-1226.
[10] 刘海涛 , 杨郦 , 林蔚 . 无机材料合成 [M]. 第 2 版 . 北京:化学工业出版社 , 2011
[11] Zhong Jiasong, Hu Jie, Cai Wen, Yang Fan, Liu Lijun, Liu Haitao, Yang Xinyu), Liang Xiaojuan, Xiang Weidong. Biomolecule-assisted synthesis of Ag3SbS3 nanorods. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2010, 501 (1): L15-L19. DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2010.04.070.
[12] Yang Xinyu, Z hong Jiasong, Liu Lijun, Liang Xiaojuan, Liu Haitao, Xiang Weidong. Solvothermal Growth of Sb2S3 Nanoribbons with L-Cystine as Sulfur Source. RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING, 2010, 39: 203-206.
[13] Zhong Jiasong, Xiang Weidong, Liu Lijun, Liang Xiaojuan, Yang Xinyu, Liu Haitao, Zhang Jingfeng. Preparation and Characterization of Bismuth Sulfide Nanorods. RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING, 2010, 39: 347-349.
[14] Liu Lijun, Zhong Jiasong, Liang Xiaojuan, Yang Xinyu, Liu Haitao, Xiang Weidong. Influence of Reaction Time on Nanoflake-like Bi2Se3 Synthesis through Solvothermal Route. RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING, 2010, 39: 368-371.
[15] Zhou Yongqiang, Yin Dewu, Zhang Jingfeng, Liu Haitao, Liang Xiaojuan. Preparation of Long Afterglow Luminescent Silicate Superfine Powder by Foamed Sol Method. RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING, 2010, 39: 504-507.
[16] Zhou Yongqiang, Liu Haitao, Tian Yiguang, Yin Dewu, Zhang Jingfeng, Liang Xiaojuan. Preparation and Properties of Rare Earth Silicate Long Afterglow Luminescent Materials. RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING, 2010, 39: 512-515.
[17] Zhong Jiasong, Xiang Weidong, Jin Huaidong, Cai Wen, Liu Lijun, Yang Xinyu, Liang Xiaojuan, Liu Haitao. A simple L-cystine-assisted solvothermal approach to Cu3SbS3 nanorods. MATERIALS LETTERS, 2010, 64(13): 1499-1502. DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2010.04.003.
[18] Liu Lijun, Xiang Weidong, Zhong Jiasong, Yang Xinyu, Liang Xiaojuan, Liu Haitao, Cai Wen. Flowerlike cubic beta-In2S3 microspheres: Synthesis and characterization. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 2010, 493 (1-2): 309-313.
[19] Yang, Xinyu, Xiang Weidong, Zhang Xiyan, Liang Xiaojuan, Liu Haitao, Dai Shixun, Chen Feifei). Third-order optical nonlinearity of CdS nanocrystals embedded in sodium borosilicate glass studied by the Z-scan technique. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH, 2010, 25 (3): 491-499. DOI: 10.1557/JMR.2010.0063.
[20] Liu Haitao, Zhou Yongqiang, Sheng Zhenhong, Wu Chunlian, Zhang, Zhang Jingfeng, Lin Shie, Weng Xuejun. N-(n-butyl)-3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane-functional modified pyrophyllite: preparation, characterisation and Pb(II) ion adsorption property. Advanced Materials Research: MULTI-FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES II, 2009 , 79-82: 2075-2078. DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.79-82.2075.
[21] Liu Haitao, Wang Xiaohui, Li Longtu. Sol-gel synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline (Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3 powders from the poly vinyl alcohol evaporation route. Journal of Physics Conference Series, 2009, 188: Art. No. 012058. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/188/1/012058.
[22] Yang Xinyu, Zhong Jiasong, Liu Lijun, Liang Xiaojuan, Liu Haitao, Xiang Weidong. L-Cystine-assisted growth of Sb2S3 nanoribbons via solvothermal route. MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2009, 118 (2-3): 432-437. DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2009.08.013.
[23] Liu Haitao, Cao Maosheng, Zhou YQ (Zhou Yongqiang), Liang XJ (Liang Xiaojuan), Li LT (Li Longtu). Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline PZT powders. RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING, 2008, 37: 730-733.
[24] Liu HT, Cao MS, Qiu CJ, Z Jing. Design of functionally graded materials towards RAM and their microwave reflectivity. MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM, FUNCTIONALLY GRADED MATERIALS VII, 2003, 423-424: 427-430.
[25] Cao MS, Liu HT, Chen YJ, Wang B, Zhu J . Synthesis process and growth mechanism of gamma -Fe4N nanoparticles by phase-transformation. SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES E-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 2003, 46 (1): 104-112.
[26] Cao MS, Yuan J, Liu HT, Fang XY, Zhu J. A simulation of the quasi-standing wave and generalized half-wave loss of electromagnetic wave in non-ideal media. MATERIALS & DESIGN, 2003, 24 (1): 31-35.
[27] Zhou Yongqiang, Liu Haitao, Wu Lei, Tian Yiguang, Yin Dewu, Zhang Jingfeng. Preparation of Ca2MgSi2O7: Eu2+, Dy3+ luminescent powder by sol-gel method. RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING, 2008, 37: 337-339.
[28] Li CS, Cao MS, Wang RG, Wang ZP, Qiao YJ, Wan LB, Tian Q, Liu HT, Zhang DQ, Liang TX, Tang CH. Fiber-optic composite cure sensor: monitoring the curing process of composite material based on intensity modulation. COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2003, 63 (12): 1749-1758. DOI: 10.1016/S0266-3538(03)00118-0.