

祝贺梁晓娟和向卫东老师指导研究生在Materials Research Bulletin上发表学术论文

添加时间:2017年10月24日 浏览:

标题:Luminescence properties and thermal stability of red phosphor Mg2TiO4:Mn4+ additional Zn2+ sensitization for warm W-LEDs

AbstactCurrently, the exploration of non-rare-earth Mn4+-activated oxide red phosphor is of great demand for phosphor-converted warm white-light-emitting diodes (W-LEDs). Here, Mg2TiO4:Mn4+ and Mg2TiO4: Mn4+,Zn2+ red phosphors were prepared using a solid-state reaction route and exhibited a strong red emission peaked at 657 nm. The microstructure and luminescent performance of the obtained red phosphors were investigated. Additionally, the concentration quenching and nephelauxetic effect of Mn4 + in the Mg2TiO4 host lattice were evaluated in detail. Moreover, Mg2TiO4:Mn4+,Zn2+ manifests an enhanced luminescence intensity compared to the sample without Zn2+ doping with a quantum efficiency of 38.2% and good thermal resistance of DE = 0.36 eV. As proof of concept, when we incorporated Mg2TiO4:Mn4+,Zn2+ and commercial YAG:Ce3+ into the package of a blue LED chip, a warm white light was produced with a high colour rendering index and a low correlated colour temperature; thus, they have promise as an application as a colour converter in the field of warm W-LEDs.

原文:  1-s2.0-S0025540817312552-main.pdf