报 告 人:葛青峰教授邀请人:王舜
报告题目:Computational Catalysis for Energy-related Applications
Dr. Qingfeng Ge is a Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Southern Illinois University Carbondale and serves as the Associate Editor of Journal of CO2 Utilization (Elsevier). Dr. Ge received his education from Tianjin University, China, obtaining B.S., M.S. and Ph.D degrees in Chemical Engineering. He worked as a Postdoctoral scholar in Copenhagen University, Denmark, Cambridge University, U.K. before coming to the US. He joined SIUC as an assistant professor in 2003 and was promoted to associate professor in 2007 and Professor in 2010. Professor Ge’s experiences ranged from experimental characterization of catalysts and kinetics modeling of catalytic processes to first principles based simulations of various materials. He is one of the 70 recipients of the Presidential Hydrogen Fuel Initiative grants in the US in 2005. He authored/coauthored more than 130 peer-reviewed publications. Professor Ge played leadership roles in promoting theory and computation in energy-related applications and organized several symposiums in the ACS national and other meetings. He guest-edited Special/Themed issues for Catalysis Today, PCCP and Topics in Catalysis. A main thrust of his research is using modeling/simulation to address materials issues related to energy and environment, including hydrogen storage and CO2 conversion and utilization.
葛青峰教授是美国南伊利诺大学的博士生导师,是Journal of CO2 Utilization (Elsevier) 杂志的副主编,是多个国际会议的组织者,并且担任Catalysis Today, PCCP及 Topics in Catalysis编委工作,工作期间获得了70多个基金的资助,目前发表SCI论文130多篇,他引超过2000次。