

第一百三十七期瓯江学术论坛预告- 吉林大学理论化学研究所 丁益宏 教授

添加时间:2019年10月09日 浏览:

报告人:吉林大学理论化学研究所 丁益宏 教授


报告题目:Rational design and stability evaluation of exotic molecules  


报告地点:新澳门六合彩资料 11B-204
















[email protected]



u 个人简历

丁益宏1970年出生博士生导师,近年来在J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Astrophys. J.J. Phys. Chem. Lett., JMCA., Chem. Commun., Chem-Eur. J.等国内外学术刊物上发表200余篇研究论文。2005年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划2005年获吉林省杰出青年基金,2007年获吉林省青年科技奖,作为主要参加者,2003年和2007年两次获吉林省科学技术进步奖一等奖。2010年指导的两名学生分别获得全国优秀博士学位论文提名奖和吉林省优秀博士学位论文。

u 学习经历:









u 主持科研项目:

1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目环境和材料化学中重要分子自由基及离子的结构与反应机理的理论研究2006-01-012008-12-3122主持

2) 国家自然基金面上项目新型非化学计量分子的理论设计和组装2008-01-012010-12-3126主持

3) 国家自然基金面上项目基于一维纳米管化学反应机理的理论研究2011-01-012013-12-3134主持

4) 国家自然基金面上项目新型含铝团簇的结构和稳定性的理论研究2013-01-012016-12-3178主持

5) 国家自然基金面上项目氮杂环卡宾稳定的14族化合物的理论研究2015-01-012018-12-3188主持

6) 国家自然基金面上项目含能团簇的结构设计、稳定性研究与组装2018-01-012021-12-3165主持

7) 国家重点专项项目高效催化材料的高通量预测、制备和应用2016-072020-06主要参与者

8) 973计划高比能直接甲醇燃料电池关键纳米材料与纳米结构研究” (2012-12016-8)主要参与者

u 获得的荣誉

1) 2003年获吉林省科学技术进步奖一等奖(主要参与者);

2) 2004年第八批吉林省有突出贡献的中青年专业技术人才;

3) 2007年获吉林省科学技术进步奖一等奖(主要参与者);

4) 2005年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划;

5) 2005年获吉林省杰出青年基金;

6) 2007年获吉林省青年科技奖;

u 第一/通讯作者SCI论文


(1) Zhong-hua Cui, Maryel Contreras, Yi-hong Ding,* and Gabriel Merino*, Planar Tetracoordinate Carbon versus Planar Tetracoordinate Boron: The Case of CB4 and Its Cation, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011, 133, 13228-13231.(一区 IF=14.695 Top

(2) Li-ming Yang, Yi-hong Ding* and Chia-chung Sun, Design of Sandwichlike Complexes Based on the Planar Tetracoordinate Carbon Unit CAl42-, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2007, 129, 658-665. (一区 IF=14.695 Top

(3) Li-ming Yang, Yi-hong Ding* and Chia-chung Sun, Assembly and Stabilization of a Planar Tetracoordinated Carbon Radical CAl3Si: A Way to Design Spin-Based Molecular Materials, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2007, 129, 1900-1901. (一区 IF=14.695 Top

(4) Hong-bin Xie, Chang-bin Shao, and Yi-hong Ding,* Radical-Molecule Reaction C3H + H2O on Amorphous Water Ice: A Promising Route for Interstellar Propynal, The Astrophysical Journal, 670, 449-456. (一区 IF=5.58 Top

(5) Hong-Bin Xie, Guo-Sheng Shi, and Yi-hong Ding,* Chemical Behavior of Polycyanoacetylene Radicals on Gaseous and Ice Water: A Computational Perspective, The Astrophysical Journal, 662, 758-770. (一区 IF=5.58 Top

(6) Hong-bin Xie, Yi-hong Ding,* and Chia-chung Sun, Reaction Mechanism of Oxygen Atoms with Cyanoacetylene in the Gas Phase and on Water Ice, The Astrophysical Journal, 643, 573–581. (一区 IF=5.58 Top

(7) Zhong-hua Cui, Wen-sheng Yang, Li-li Zhao, Yi-hong Ding,* Gernot Frenking,* Unusually Short Be-Be Distances with and without a Bond in Be2F2 and in the Molecular Discuses Be2B8 and Be2B7-, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2016, 128, 7972-7977. (一区 IF=12.257 Top

(8) Tian-ding Hu, Yan Jiang, Yi-hong Ding,* Computational screening of metal-substituted HKUST-1 catalysts for chemical fixation of carbon dioxide into epoxides, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 14825-14834. (一区 IF=10.733 Top)

(9)Wang Chong, Yi-hong Ding,* Catalytically healing the Stone-Wales defects in graphene by carbonadatoms, Journal of Materials Chemistry A2013, 1, 1885-1891. (一区 IF=10.733 Top)

(10)Bo Xiao-xu; Zheng Hai-feng; Xin Jing-fan;* Yi-hong Ding,* A kinetically persistent isomer found for pentazole: a global potential energy surface survey, Chemical Communications, 2019, 55, 2597-2600. (一区 IF=6.12 Top)

(11)Xue Ying-Ying; Ding Yi-Hong,* New global minima of 6-vertex dicarboranes: classical butun expected., Chemical Communications, 2019, 55, 6373-6376. (一区 IF=6.12 Top)

(12) Jing Xu; Xing-Xing Zhan; S Yu; Yi-hong Ding,* Bowen, KH, Identifying the Hydrogenated Planar Tetracoordinate Carbon: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study of CAI(4)H and CAI(4)H(-), Journal Of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2017, 8, 2263-2267. (一区 IF=7.91 Top)

(13) Zhong-hua Cui, Valentin Vassilev-Galindo, José Luis Cabellos, Edison Osorio, Mesías Orozco, Sudip Pan, Yi-hong Ding* and Gabriel Merino,* Planar pentacoordinate carbon atoms embedded in a metallocene framework, Chemical Communications, 2017, 53, 138-141. (一区 IF=6.12 Top)

(14) Tian-Ding Hu; Yu-Wang Sun; Yi-hong Ding*; A quantum-chemical insight on chemical fixation carbon dioxide with epoxides co-catalyzed by MIL-101 and tetrabutylammonium bromide, Journal Of CO2 Utilization, 2018, 28, 200-206.(一区 IF=5.189 Top)

(15) Nin He; Hong-bin Xie; Yi-hong Ding*, Can donor-acceptor bonded dinuclear metallocenes exist? A computational study on the stability of CpM '-MCp (M ' = B, Al, Ga, In, Tl; M = Li, Na, K) and its isomers, Organometallics, 2007, 26, 6839-6843. (一区 IF=4.1Top)

(16) Li.-Juan Fu; Lin Jin; Chang-Bin Shao; Yi-hong Ding*, Understanding the Borane Analogy in AlnHn+4 (n= 5−19): Unprecedented Stability of a Non-Wade−Mingos Cluster Al8H12 Fused by Two Td-like Al4H6, Inorganic Chemistry, 2010, 49, 5276-5284. (一区 IF=4.85 Top)

(17) Li-Juan Fu; Hong-bin Xie; Yi-hong Ding*, Structures and Energetics of AlnHn2- (5 <= n <= 12) and AlnHn+2 (4 <= n <= 12): Are Alanes the Borane Analogues?, Inorganic Chemistry, 2009, 48, 5370-5375. ( 一区 IF=4.85 Top)

(18) Li-Ming Yang, Jian Wang, Yi-hong Ding*, Theoretical study on the assembly and stabilization of a silicon-doped all-metal aromatic unit SiAl3. Organometallics, 2007, 18, 4449-4455. (一区 IF=4.1 Top)