

第三十九期瓯江学术沙龙预告-美国伊利诺伊大学Daesung Lee教授

添加时间:2016年07月06日 浏览:

题目: New Chemistry beyond Metathesis Catalyzed by Ruthenium Alkylidenes

报告人:Daesung Lee




Daesung Lee, Professor of Chemistry, University of Illinois at Chicago




1988 BS, Chemistry, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

1990 MS, Chemistry, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

1998 PhD, Chemistry, Stanford University (Advisor: Prof. Paul A. Wender)

1998–2000 Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University (Advisor: Prof. Stuart L. Schreiber)


Professional Experience

06/2000–05/2007 Assistant Professor of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI

06/2007–07/2014 Associate Professor of Chemistry, University of Illinois at Chicago, IL

08/2014– Professor of Chemistry, University of Illinois at Chicago, IL



The main utility of Grubbs-type ruthenium alkylidenes involves metathesis chemistry. These rutheniumcomplexes, however, have proven their potential as a precatalyst for many non-metathetictransformations such as hydrogenation, dihydroxylation, and cyclopropanation. In light of expanding thescope of enyne metathesis, we streamlined enyne metathesis and metallotropic [1,3]-shift such thatvarious enyne-based functional groups could be constructed by the tandem catalysis of rutheniumalkylidenes. While exploring these tandem reactions of bis-1,3-diyne substrates, unprecedentedhydrovinylation reaction was discovered when ethylene was employed as an alkene counterpart. Moreinterestingly, these bis-1,3-diynes could undergo hexadehydro Diels-Alder reaction to form aryneintermediates, which were hydrohalogenated by ruthenium alkylidenes complexes in the presence ofhalohydrocarbons. In this presentation, the scope and utility of these powerful and noveltransformations will be discussed in the context of their discovery and application to natural productsynthesis.

新澳门六合彩资料Brief CV-Daesung Lee.pdf