报告人:美国阿贡国家实验室Khalil Amine教授
报告题目:Advanced High Energy and High Power Battery Systems for Automotive Applications
报告地点:南校区 岩松堂雁山厅
Khalil Amine教授简介

Khalil Amine博士是中美能源合作美方总负责人,美国阿贡国家实验室杰出学者和高级电池工程主管,全球电池技术领域论文他引最高纪录保持者。曾荣获美国世界顶尖50项科学研究第八十七期瓯江学术论坛预告-美国阿贡国家实验室Khalil Amine教授奖、美国杰出技术转化联邦实验室奖、美国科技创新领域“奥斯卡奖”——百大科技创新奖。目前负责研发新型能源材料及电池系统,并广泛应用于混合动力汽车、电动汽车、卫星、军工及医疗等领域。
To meet the high-energy requirement that can enable the 40-miles electric drive Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (P-HEVs), long range electric vehicle (EV) and smart grid, it is necessary to develop very high energy and high power cathodes and anodes that when combined in a battery system must offer 5,000 charge-depleting cycles, 15 years calendar life as well as excellent safety characteristics. These challenging requirements make it difficult for conventional cathode materials to be adopted in P-HEVs and EVs. In this talk, we report several high energy systems that offer the potential of enabling next generation PHEVs and EVs. After a brief description of lithium ion battery concept, we will disclose several strategies to increase significantly the energy density of lithium battery through the development of novel functional materials. We will also describe some new approaches to improve the cycle life and safety of lithium batteries using advanced nanocoating at the particle level and functional electrolyte additives that play a significant role in stabilizing the interfaces during battery operation and abuse. Finally, we will also present some recent results on the beyond Li-ion systems.