报告主题:Fueling the Future
黄国维教授现为沙特阿拉伯阿卜杜拉国王科技大学协理副校长(Associate Vice President) 和催化中心均相催化实验室主任研究员,兼任新加坡科技研究局材料与工程研究院主任研究员与科研顾问,为国际知名催化剂专家,沙特教育部特聘顾问。近年曾获选为2020 有机金属化学-先驱和影响者,2017沙特教育部颁发的教学贡献奖,2015 Dalton Transactions 亚太之星,2014 国际配位化学之星,2013 沙特基础工业公司(SABIC)講座教授。共发表学术论文290多篇,被他人引用15000多次,主持项目共20多项,经费总数约为3000万美金。国际专利申请与受权40多项, 包含世界唯一甲酸发电新能源电池系统专利.
The estimated world population of 8.0 billion people consumed ~15.2 Gtoe of energy (at an average rate of 20.1 TW). Globally, the burning of carbon-based fossil fuels supplies over 80% of the energy demand, and hence the prospering industrial societies are responsible for the observed increase in carbon dioxide levels from preindustrial 280 ppm to over 420 ppm measured last year. The constantly increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration is highly likely to result in global warming, sea level rise, and ocean acidification. To reduce the environmental footprint of modern societies and address the limitations of fossil recourses, the projected increase in global energy demand must go along with the implementation of low-carbon energy production and carrier systems. In this presentation, the current energy status and future options will be discussed and compared. It will then be concluded by introducing our research efforts in utilizing formic acid as a NET-ZERO hydrogen/energy carrier and e-fuel.