【个人简介, Resume】
姓名: 赵世强 职称:副教授-硕士生导师 学历:博士 专业:物理化学
毕业学校:山东大学(本科-硕博连读),佐治亚理工学院(联培博士-博士后 )
职务:能源化学系主任(首任)、能源化学专业负责人/教学团队负责人(首任)、化学系教工党支部副书记 、学院纪委委员
课题组:碳基纳米储能实验室 //lhcziliao.com/info/2573/38270.htm;//faculty.lhcziliao.com/ZhaoSQ/zh_CN/index.htm;//baike.baidu.com/item/赵世强/64179462?fr=ge_ala; //www.x-mol.com/people/zhaoshiqiang
科研团队:温州大学碳能源团队 //carbonenergygroup.lhcziliao.com/index.htm
Shiqiang Zhao,Associate Professor,Physical Chemistry
College of Chemistry and Materials Engineering,Wenzhou University, Wenzhou 325035, China
E-mail: [email protected]
Web of Science ResearcherID: AAY-9030-2020 //webofscience.clarivate.cn/wos/author/record/AAY-9030-2020
Google scholar: //scholar.google.com/citations?user=FpejkqsAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN&oi=ao
ResearchGate: //www.researchgate.net/profile/Shiqiang-Zhao
Lab Website:Carbon-based Nano Energy Storage Laboratory (CNES Lab) //lhcziliao.com/info/2573/38270.htm;//faculty.lhcziliao.com/ZhaoSQ/zh_CN/index.htm ; //www.x-mol.com/people/zhaoshiqiang
Research Group: Carbon Energy Group //carbonenergygroup.lhcziliao.com/index.htm
【研究领域, Research Field】
Our lab focuses on the research of advanced electrode materials for lithium/sodium/potassium ion batteries, including their rational design approaches, performance enhancement strategies and energy storage mechanisms, such as transition metal carbonates/oxides/sulfides/fluorides/phosphides, tin, silicon, MOF and their homogenous composites with graphene, functional polymer, carbon nanotube and derived carbon. We have published 46 SCI papers with over 3600 citations (H-index 26, i10-index 42).
碱金属离子电池高性能电极材料的设计合成、性能提升、增效机制和储能机理研究,包括基于转化反应储能机理的过渡金属的碳酸/草酸/苯甲酸等含氧酸盐、氟/磷/氧/硫化合物等,基于合金化反应储能机理的锡和硅基材料及其合金等,及其与石墨烯、碳纳米管、无定形碳、功能高分子等的高匀度复合材料。至今已发表46篇SCI论文,含影响因子20以上论文11篇,影响因子10以上论文29篇,SCI一区论文34篇,Nature Index期刊论文8篇, 6篇论文入选期刊封面,4篇ESI高被引论文,累计被引3600余次(H因子26,i10 指數42,引用过百次10篇,截至2024年12月)。申请国家发明专利20项,授权8项。主编出版教材一部《能源化学综合实验》(化学工业出版社,出版号:978-7-122-45996-1,2024年6月)。主持国家自然科学基金项目1项、浙江省自然科学基金项目1项、浙江省高等教育学会教材建设项目1项、温州市基础性科研项目1项。
担任Advanced Materials、Angewandte Chemie International Edition、Advanced Energy Materials、ACS Energy Letters、Energy & Environmental Science, Advanced Functional Materials、ACS Nano、Nano Letter、Energy Storage Materials、Nano Energy、Carbon Energy, Energy & Environmental Materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry A、Chemical Engineering Journal、Nano Research Energy、Small、Nanoscale、Nanoscale Advances、Chemical Communications、Chemistry-A European Journal、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、ACS Energy Applied Materials、Journal of Power Sources、Langmuir、Journal of Alloys and Compounds、The Chemical Record、New Journal of Chemistry、Electrochimica Acta、ChemBioEng Reviews、Applied Materials Today、Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers、Dalton Transactions、Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry、Ionics、Journal of the American Ceramic Society、Journal of the Electrochemical Society、International Journal of Minerials, Metallury and Materials、Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research、Energy Fuels、Materials Advances、Applied Surface Science、Energy Technology、ChemistrySelect、RSC Sustainability等多部SCI期刊稿件同行评审人,已累计审稿SCI论文510余篇。获评SCI期刊Journal of Materials Chemistry A和Nanoscale杰出审稿人,期刊Nanoscale新锐科学家。
【学术职务,Academic Participation】
(10) 副主编,期刊《Frontiers in Energy Research》Associate Editor
Associate Editor of Frontiers in Energy Research (IF:3. 858) (Electronic ISSN:2296-598X).
(9) 青年编委,期刊《Carbon Neutralization》Youth Editorial Board Member
Youth Editorial Board Member of the Carbon Neutralization (ISSN: 2769-3325). //onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/27693325
(8) 青年编委,期刊《Nano Research Energy》Youth Editorial Board Member
Youth Editorial Board Member of the Nano Research Energy (ISSN: 2791-0091, e-ISSN: 2790-8119). //www.sciopen.com/journal/2791-0091?issn=2791-0091
(7) 中国知网(CNKI)评审专家库成员(硕士/博士学位论文评审、学术论文评优及科研成果评议),Member of China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) review expert database //www.cnki.net/
(6) 中国研究生教育评估监测专家库专家(硕士/博士学位论文评议),教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心。
(5) 大会程序委员会主席Program Chair ,储能材料方向,第六届“国际材料工程与先进制造技术会议 MEAMT”(中国南京,2022年9月23-25日)
Program Chair in the Energy Storage Materials issue of "2022 6th International Conference on Material Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing Technology (MEAMT 2022)" which will be held in Nanjing, China on 23-25, September 2022. //www.meamt.org/comm.html
(4) 客座编辑,期刊《Frontiers in Energy Research》(IF:3. 858)Guest Editor 专刊“锂/钠离子或金属电池先进电极材料”
Guest Editor in the Special Issue "Advanced Electrode Materials for Lithium- and Sodium-Ion/Metal Batteries“ belonging to the Frontiers in Energy Research(ISSN: 2296-598X, IF: 3.858). //www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/47371/advanced-electrode-materials-for-lithium--and-sodium-ionmetal-batteries
(3) 评审编辑,期刊《Frontiers in Energy Research》(IF:3. 858)Review Editor (电化学能源存储与转化领域)
Review Editor in Frontiers in Energy Research (ISSN: 2296-598X, IF: 3.585)- Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage //www.frontiersin.org/my-frontiers/overview; //www.frontiersin.org/journals/energy-research/sections/electrochemical-energy-conversion-and-storage
(2) 客座编辑,期刊《Materials》(IF:3.748)Guest Editor 专刊“锂/钠离子电池新型电极和电解液开发”(能源材料领域)
Guest Editor in the Special Issue "Development of Novel Electrode and Electrolyte Materials for Lithium and Sodium Ion Batteries" belonging to the Energy Materials Section of Materials(ISSN 1996-1944, IF:3.748).
(1) 主题编辑,期刊《Materials》(IF:3.748)Topic Editor (能源材料领域)
Topic Editor in the Energy Materials Section of the Editorial Board of Materials(ISSN 1996-1944, IF:3.748). //www.mdpi.com/journal/materials/topic_editors/mater_energy
【工作/教育经历, Work/Education Experience】
2019.12 -至今,
2017.9 - 2019.11,
博士后(材料科学),佐治亚理工学院(美国),材料科学与工程学院,导师:Zhiqun Lin/林志群 教授。
2015.9 - 2017.3,
联培博士(材料科学),佐治亚理工学院(美国),材料科学与工程学院,导师:Zhiqun Lin/林志群 教授。
2011.9 - 2017.6,
博士(物理化学),山东大学,化学与化工学院,导师:沈强 教授。【任院研究生会主席、研究生党支部书记】
2009.7 - 2011.7,
辅导员,山东大学,化学与化工学院,时任院长:钱逸泰 院士。【辅导2009级本科生】
2005.9 - 2009.6,
学士(应用化学),山东大学,化学与化工学院,导师:沈强 教授。【任班长】
2019.12 – present, Associate Professor, Wenzhou University, College of Chemistry and Materials Engineering, Wenzhou, China.
2017.9 - 2019.11, Postdoctor, Georgia Institute of Technology (Advisor: Prof. Zhiqun Lin), School of Materials Science and Engineering, Atlanta, USA.
2015.9 - 2017.3, Visiting Ph. D. Student, Georgia Institute of Technology (Advisor: Prof. Zhiqun Lin), School of Materials Science and Engineering, Atlanta, USA.
2011.9 - 2015.8 and 2017.4 - 2017.6, Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry, Shandong University (Advisor: Prof. Qiang Shen), School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Jinan, China.
2009.7 - 2011.7, Counselor of Undergraduate, Shandong University, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Jinan, China.
2005.9 - 2009.6, B.Sc. in Applied Chemistry, Shandong University (Advisor: Prof. Qiang Shen), School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Jinan, China.
【荣誉/奖励, Honor/Award】
(9)2025 Nanoscale Emerging Investigator,英国皇家化学会Nanoscale期刊2025年度新锐科学家。
(8)2023年-“Outstanding Reviewer for Nanoscale in 2023 ” (2023年度杰出审稿人-Nanoscale(IF=6.7))。
(4)2019年--“Outstanding Reviewer for Journal of Materials Chemistry A in 2019”(2019年度杰出审稿人),J. Mater. Chem. A(IF=14.511), 2020, 8, 9418-9419. DOI: 10.1039/d0ta90085k.
【课程教学, Teaching】
(1)本科生课程,Undergraduate Courses:
《物理化学Physical Chemistry》【专业核心课】(新澳门六合彩资料
《能源化学导论Introduction to Energy Chemistry 》【专业核心课】(新澳门六合彩资料
《能源化学 Energy Chemistry 》【专业核心课】(新澳门六合彩资料
《能源化学实验 Energy Chemistry Experiments》【专业核心课】(新澳门六合彩资料
《能源材料合成与分析实验Energy Materials Synthesis and Characterization Experiments》【专业核心课】(新澳门六合彩资料
《能源与人类发展Energy and Human Development》【全校本科生公选课】(入选2023-2024-1学期校级优质课程(B档)、2022-2023-2学期校级优质课程(B档)】。
《物理化学专论Seminar on Physical Chemistry 》【考研辅导课】(新澳门六合彩资料
(2)研究生课程,Postgraduate Courses:
《专业英语与论文写作 Specialized English and Paper Writing》【学位基础必修课】(新澳门六合彩资料
【学生培养, Student Education】
2021级,宁明月(广东工业大学攻读博士)、陈托托、叶宇晨、陈浩、申家华、Imaruemidan Kehinde Tiwalade(留学生)。
【本科生毕业设计Graduation Thesis Guidance】
2022届,吴瑞洁(校优秀毕业论文、温州大学攻读硕士)、李菲(校优秀毕业论文)、Mope Thipana(留学生,毕业论文成绩优秀)、Charandura Mitchelle Panashe(留学生)。
2021届,Musoka Mufunga Gloire (留学生,校优秀毕业论文,华东理工大学攻读硕士)、胡瑶倩、Nnaemeka Promise Eluchie(留学生)。
【本科生科研训练Scientific Research Training】
(3)班主任任职,Class Adviser
(4)学生科研创新项目/课题,Student Research Innovation Project
【本科生招生, Undergraduate Admissions】
【研究生招生, Postgraduate Admissions】
【科研成果, Scientific Achievements】
#共同一作 Co-first Author;*通讯作者 Corresponding Author。
【书/书章节,Book/Book Chapter】
(1) Cuiping Han#, Shiqiang Zhao#, Aurelia Wang, Huile Jin, Shun Wang, Zhong Lin Wang, Baohua Li, Junqin Li and Zhiqun Lin*. "Graphene-based Composites as Electrode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries", as Chapter 7 in the book of "Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Batteries: Recent Progress in Electric Vehicles", 1st Edition, ISBN 9781351052702, 2020.12.18, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
【一作/通讯作者SCI论文, First/Corresponding Author SCI Papers】
(16) Shiqiang Zhao#, Yanjie He#, Zewei Wang, Xiaoxu Bo, Shumeng Hao, Yifei Yuan, Huile Jin, Shun Wang*, Zhiqun Lin*. Advancing performance and unfolding mechanism of lithium and sodium storage in SnO2 via precision synthesis of monodisperse PEG-ligated nanoparticles.<入选期刊封面>
Advanced Energy Materials (IF = 29.698, SCI一区), 2022, 12, 2201015.
Advanced Energy Materials <期刊内前封面-Inside Front Cover>, 2022, 12, 2270110.
(15) Shiqiang Zhao, Christopher D. Sewell, Ruiping Liu, Songru Jia, Zewei Wang, Yanjie He, Kunjie Yuan, Huile Jin, Shun Wang*, Xueqin Liu*, Zhiqun Lin*. SnO2 as advanced anode of alkali-ion batteries: inhibiting Sn coarsening by crafting robust physical barriers, void boundaries and heterophase interfaces for superior electrochemical reaction reversibility.<入选期刊封面> (引用过百次,over 100 citations)
Advanced Energy Materials (IF = 29.698, SCI一区), 2020, 10, 1902657. 【Featured on Wiley MaterialViews】
Advanced Energy Materials <期刊背封面-Backcover>, 2020, 10, 2070027.
(14) Shiqiang Zhao, Zewei Wang,Yanjie He, Hongrui Jiang, Yeu Wei Harn, Xueqin Liu, Chenliang Su, Huile Jin, Ying Li*, Shun Wang*, Qiang Shen*, Zhiqun Lin*. A Robust Route to Co2(OH)2CO3Ultrathin Nanosheets with Superior Lithium Storage Capability Templated by Aspartic Acid-Functionalized Graphene Oxide. (引用过百次,over 100 citations)
Advanced Energy Materials (IF =29.698, SCI一区), 2019, 9, 1901093. 【Featured on Wiley MaterialViews】
(13) Shiqiang Zhao, Zewei Wang, Yanjie He, Beibei Jiang, Yeuwei Harn, Xueqin Liu, Faqi Yu, Fan Feng, Qiang Shen*, Zhiqun Lin*. Interconnected Ni(HCO3)2Hollow Spheres Enabled by Self-Sacrificial Templating with Enhanced Lithium Storage Properties. (引用过百次,over 100 citations)
ACS Energy Letters (IF =23.991,SCI一区), 2017, 2, 111. (ESI高被引,2017-2018年)
(12) Jiamin Fei, Shiqiang Zhao*, Xiaoxu Bo, Furong Xie, Guanghui Li, Ebrahim-Alkhalil M. A. Ahmed, Qingcheng Zhang, Huile Jin, Zhiqun Lin*. Nano Single Crystals Constructed Submicron MnCO3 Hollow Spindles Enabled by Solid Precursor Transition Combined Ostwald Ripening in-situ on Graphene toward Exceptional Interfacial and Capacitive Lithium Storage.
Carbon Energy (IF=21.556, SCI一区), 2023, 5, e333. (ESI高被引,2023年)【Featured on Wiley MaterialViews】
(11) Pengfei Guo, Yang Yang*, Bing Zhu, Qiannan Yang, Yan Jia, Weitao Wang, Zhaotie Liu*, Shiqiang Zhao*, Xun Cui*. Heterostructural NiFeW Disulfide and Hydroxide Dual-Trimetallic Core-Shell Nanosheets for Synergistically Effective Water Oxidation.
Carbon Energy (IF=21.556, SCI一区), 2024, e532.
(10) Xiaoxu Bo#, Qian Zhang#, Guanghui Li#, Jiatong Zhang, Ruijie Wu, Sheng Wang, Imaruemidan Kehinde Tiwalade, Shun Wang*, Zhiqun Lin*, Shiqiang Zhao*. Directionally assembled FeCO3 nanoparticles wrapped with rGO enabled by the synergy of tartaric and ascorbic acids for lithium/sodium storage.
Chemical Engineering Journal (IF=15.1, SCI一区), 2024, 487, 150559.
(9) Furong Xie, Shiqiang Zhao*, Xiaoxu Bo*, Guanghui Li, Jiamin Fei, Ebrahim-Alkhalil M. A. Ahmed, Qingcheng Zhang, Huile Jin, Shun Wang*, Zhiqun Lin*. A Robust Solvothermal-Driven Solid-to-Solid Transition Route from Micron SnC2O4 to Tartaric Acid-Capped Nano SnO2 Anchored on Graphene for Superior Lithium and Sodium Storage. <入选期刊封面>
Journal of Materials Chemistry A (IF=14.511, SCI一区), 2023, 11, 53-67.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A <期刊背封面-Back Cover>, 2023,11, 464-464
(8) Shiqiang Zhao, Fan Feng, Faqi Yu, Qiang Shen*. Flower-to-petal structural conversion and enhanced interfacial storage capability of hydrothermally crystallized MnCO3 via the in situ mixing of graphene oxide.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A (IF=14.511, SCI一区), 2015,3,24095.
(7) Shiqiang Zhao, Yuxi Wang, Rui Liu, Yue Yu, Shanshan Wei, Faqi Yu, Qiang Shen*. Full-molar-ratio synthesis and enhanced lithium storage properties of CoxFe1−xCO3 composites with an integrated lattice structure and an atomic-scale synergistic effect.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A (IF=14.511, SCI一区), 2015, 3, 17181.
(6) Ying Chu, Peng Wang, Yihong Ding*, Jie Lin, Xinxin Zhu, Shiqiang Zhao*, Huile Jin, Tianbiao Zeng*. High-Capacity Sb/Fe2S3 Sodium-Ion Battery Anodes Fabricated by a One-Step Redox Reaction, Followed by Ball Milling with Graphite.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (IF=10.383, SCI一区), 2023, 15, 24354-24365.
(5) Bing He, Feifan Zhao, Ping Yi, Jing Huang, Yang Wang, Shiqiang Zhao*, Zhen Li, Yanli Zhao*, Xueqin Liu*.Spinel-Oxide-Integrated BiVO4 Photoanodes with Photothermal Effect for Efficient Solar Water Oxidation.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (IF = 10.383, SCI一区), 2021, 13, 48901-48912.
(4) Shiqiang Zhao, Shanshan Wei, Rui Liu, Yuxi Wang, Yue Yu, Qiang Shen*. Cobalt carbonate dumbbells for high-capacity lithium storage: A slight doping of ascorbic acid and an enhancement in electrochemical performances.
Journal of Power Sources (IF= 9.794, SCI一区), 2015, 284, 154.
(3) Shiqiang Zhao, Yue Yu, Shanshan Wei, Yuxi Wang, Chenhao Zhao, Rui Liu, Qiang Shen*. Hydrothermal synthesis and potential applicability of rhombohedral siderite as a high-capacity anode material for lithium ion batteries.
Journal of Power Sources (IF= 9.794, SCI一区), 2014, 253, 251.
(2) Xiaoxu Bo#, Jiatong Zhang#, Qian Zhang, Ruijie Wu, Sheng Wang, Shiqiang Zhao*, Shun Wang*. Nanoparticle-assembled interconnected PbO1.44 hollowspheres enabled by PVP-driven transformation of β-PbO2 and self-sacrificial templating for superior lithium storage.
Nanoscale (Invited paper邀稿, 2025 Nanoscale Emerging Investigators themed issue 新锐科学家专刊), 2025, DOI: 10.1039/D4NR04763J.
(1) Xinxin Zhu, Peng Wang, Yihong Ding*, Ying Chu, Jie Lin, Shiqiang Zhao*, Huile Jin, Tianbiao Zeng*. Polycrystalline Fe- and Sn-based Sulfides for High-Capacity Sodium-Ion Battery Anode.
Chemical Communications (IF=6.065, SCI二区,Nature Index期刊), 2023, 59, 6036-6039.
【合作SCI论文,Co-author SCI Papers】
(30) Bing He, Songru Jia, Mingyang Zhao, Yang Wang, Tao Chen, Shiqiang Zhao, Zhen Li, Zhiqun Lin*, Yanli Zhao*, Xueqin Liu*. General and Robust Photothermal‐Heating‐Enabled High‐Efficiency Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting.
Advanced Materials (IF=32.086, SCI一区, Nature Index期刊), 2021, 33, 2004406.
(29) Lihan Zhang, Xianying Qin*, Shiqiang Zhao, Aurelia Wang, Jun Luo, Zhong Lin Wang, Feiyu Kang, Zhiqun Lin*, Baohua Li*. Advanced Matrixes for Binder-Free Nanostructured Electrodes in Lithium-Ion Batteries.
Advanced Materials (IF=32.086,SCI一区, Nature Index期刊),2020,32,1908445.
(28) Xiao Li, James Iocozzia, Yihuang Chen, Shiqiang Zhao, Xun Cui, Wei Wang, Haifeng Yu, Shaoliang Lin*, Zhiqun Lin*. From Precision Synthesis of Block Copolymers to Properties and Applications of Nanoparticles.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition (IF=16.823,SCI一区, Nature Index期刊), 2018,57,2046. (期刊封面)
(27)Beibei Jiang, Yanjie He, Bo Li, Shiqiang Zhao, Shun Wang, Yan-Bing He, Zhiqun Lin*. Polymer-Templated Formation of Polydopamine-Coated SnO2 Nanocrystals: Anodes for Cyclable Lithium-Ion Batteries.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition (IF=16.823,SCI一区, Nature Index期刊), 2017,56,1869. (ESI高被引,期刊封面)
(26) Xueqin Liu, James Iocozzia, Yang Wang, Xun Cui, Yihuang Chen, Shiqiang Zhao, Zhen Li*, Zhiqun Lin*. Noble metal–metal oxide nanohybrids with tailored nanostructures for efficient solar energy conversion, photocatalysis and environmental remediation.
Energy and Environmental Science (IF=39.714, SCI一区), 2017, 10, 402. (ESI高被引,期刊封面)
(25) Hao Wang, Ruiping Liu, Yutao Li, Xujie Lü, Qi Wang, Shiqiang Zhao, Kunjie Yuan, Zhiming Cui, Xiang Li, Sen Xin, Ru Zhang, Ming Lei, Zhiqun Lin*. Durable and Efficient Hollow Porous Oxide Spinel Microspheres for Oxygen Reduction.
Joule (IF=46.048,SCI一区), 2018, 2, 337.(ESI高被引)
(24) Junhong Guo#, Fan Feng#, Shiqiang Zhao, Zhenhai Shi, Rui Wang, Meng Yang, Fangfang Chen, Suli Chen*, Zi-Feng Ma*, and Tianxi Liu*. High FeLS(C) Electrochemical Activity of Iron Hexacyanoferrate Cathode Boosts Superior Sodium Ion Storage.
Carbon Energy (IF=21.556, SCI一区), 2023, e314. doi:10.1002/cey2.314.
(23) Songru Jia, Yang Wang, Xueqin Liu, Shiqiang Zhao, Wen Zhao, Yanqiu Huang, Zhen Li*, Zhiqun Lin*. Hierarchically porous CuO nano-labyrinths as binder-free anodes for long-life and high-rate lithium ion batteries.
Nano Energy (IF=19.069, SCI一区), 2019,59,229.
(22) Yun Li, Kun He*, Qingqing Ren, Xuemei Zeng, Guanghui Li, Shiqiang Zhao, Wnjun Song, xiaobin He, Shun Wang*, Yifei Yuan*. Mechanically Differentiated Lithium Versus Sodium Ion Storage in an Alloying-Type Bismuth Anode.
Advanced Functional Materials (IF=18.5, SCI一区, Nature Index期刊),2024, DOI:10.1002/adfm.202410840.
(21) Mingcong Yang, Wei Hu, Jun Li*, Tao Chen, Shiqiang Zhao, Xi'an Chen, Shun Wang, Huile Jin*. Long Cycle Life for Rechargeable Lithium Battery using Organic Small Molecule Dihydrodibenzo[c,h][2,6]naphthyridine-5,11-dione as a Cathode after Isoindigo Pigment Isomerization.
Advanced Science (IF=15.1, SCI一区), 2024, 11, 2307134.
(20) Fan Feng, Suli Chen, Shiqiang Zhao, Wenli Zhang, Yigao Miao, Haiying Che, Xiao-Zhen Liao, Zi-Feng Ma*. Enhanced electrochemical performance of MnFe@NiFe Prussian blue analogue benefited from the inhibition of Mn ions dissolution for sodium-ion batteries.
Chemical Engineering Journal (IF=16.744, SCI一区),2021,411,128518.
(19) Junhong Guo, Fan Feng, Shiqiang Zhao, Rui Wang, Meng Yang, Zhenhai Shi, Yufeng Ren, Zifeng Ma, Suli Chen*, Tianxi Liu*. Achieving Ultra-Stable All-Solid-State Sodium Metal Batteries with Anion-Trapping 3D Fiber Network Enhanced Polymer Electrolyte.
Small (IF=15.153, SCI一区), 2023, 2206740.
(18) Zhiming Zhou, Peirong Lin, Shiqiang Zhao, Huile Jin, Yudan Qian, Xi,an Chen, Xinyue Tang, Qingcheng Zhang*, Daying Guo*, Shun Wang*. High Pseudocapacitance-Driven CoC2O4 Electrodes Exhibiting Superior Electrochemical Kinetics and Reversible Capacities for Lithium-Ion and Lithium–Sulfur Batteries.
Small (IF=15.153, SCI一区), 2022, 2205887.
(17) Qingcheng Zhang, Junping Zhao, Yechao Wu, Jun Li, Huile Jin, Shiqiang Zhao, Lulu Chai, Yahui Wang, Yong Lei*, Shun Wang*. Rapid and Controllable Synthesis of Nanocrystallized Nickel‐Cobalt Boride Electrode Materials via a Mircoimpinging Stream Reaction for High Performance Supercapacitors.
Small (IF=15.153, SCI一区), 2020, 16, 2003342.
(16) Ruiping Liu, Chao Shen, Yue Dong, Jinlei Qin, Qi Wang, James Iocozzia, Shiqiang Zhao, Kunjie Yuan, Cuiping Han, Baohua Li, Zhiqun Lin*,Sandwich-like CNTs/Si/C nanotubes as high performance anode materials for lithium-ion batteries.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A (IF=14.551,SCI一区), 2018, 6, 14797.
(15) Jingqiang Wang, Qing-Qun Sun, Jing Yu, Jun-Xu Guo, Ning-Ke Mo, Hong-Wei Li, Yu Su*, Shiqiang Zhao, Yan-Fang Zhu, Haibin Chu*, Shixue Dou, Yao Xiao*. Constructing layered/tunnel interlocking oxide cathodes for sodium-ion batteries based on breaking Mn3+/Mn4+ equilibrium in Na0.44MnO2 via trace Mo doping.
Composites Part B: Engineering (IF=12.7, SCI一区),2024,284, 111664.
(14) Xiangang Lin, Xiaojuan Hou, Lixia Cui, Shiqiang Zhao, Hong Bi, Haiwei Du*, Yupeng Yuan*. Increasing π-electron availability in benzene ring incorporated graphitic carbon nitride for increased photocatalytic hydrogen generation.
Journal of Materials Science & Technology (IF=10.319, SCI一区),2021, 65, 164-170. //doi.org/10.1016/j.jmst.2020.03.086
(13) Hongrui Jiang, Shiqiang Zhao, Xiaoli Ma, Shaojie Liu, Qiang Shen*. A fast π-π stacking self-assembly of cobalt terephthalate dihydrate and the twelve-electron lithiation-delithiation of anhydrous cobalt terephthalate.
Journal of Power Sources (IF=9.794, SCI一区),462(2019)23-32.
(12) Junping Zhao, Yechao Wu, Yihuang Chen, Huile Jin, Shuang Pan, Shiqiang Zhao, Xin Feng, Yahui Wang, Qingcheng Zhang*, Shun Wang*. Continuous impinging in a two-stage micromixer for the homogeneous growth of monodispersed ultrasmall Ni–Co oxides on graphene flakes with enhanced supercapacitive performance.
Materials Chemistry Frontiers (IF=8.683, SCI一区),2021,5, 4700-4711.
(11) Rui Liu, Shiqiang Zhao, Miaomiao Zhang, Fan Feng and Qiang Shen*. High interfacial lithium storage capability of hollow porous Mn2O3 nanostructures obtained from carbonate precursors.
Chemical Communications (IF=6.065, SCI二区,Nature Index期刊), 51(2015) 5728.
(10) Fenglin Liu, Yanyan Gao, Shiqiang Zhao, Qiang Shen*, Yunlan Su and Dujin Wang. Biomimetic fabrication of pseudohexagonalaragonite tablets through a temperature-varying approach.
Chemical Communications (IF=6.065, SCI二区,Nature Index期刊), 46 (2010) 4607.
(9) Fan Feng, Shiqiang Zhao, Rui Liu,Zewen Yang, Qiang Shen*. NiO Flowerlike porous hollow nanostructures with an enhanced interfacial storage capability for battery-to-pseudocapacitor transition.
Electrochimica Acta (IF=7.336, SCI一区), 222 (2016) 1160.
(8) Xiaoyan Zhang, Shuang Pan*, Huanhuan Song, Wengai Guo, Shiqiang Zhao, Guang Chen, Qingcheng Zhang, Huile Jin, Lijie Zhang, Yihuang Chen*, Shun Wang*. Polymer–Inorganic Thermoelectric Nanomaterials: Electrical Properties, Interfacial Chemistry Engineering, and Devices.
Frontiers in Chemistry (IF=5.545, SCI三区),2021,9,PMC8107684.
(7) Faqi Yu, Yilin Li, Meng Jia, Tian Nan, He Zhang, Shiqiang Zhao, Qiang Shen*. Elaborate construction and electrochemical properties of lignin-derived macro-/micro-porous carbon-sulfur composites for rechargeable lithium-sulfur batteries: The effect of sulfur-loading time.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds (IF=6.371, SCI二区), 709 (2017) 677.
(6) Rui Liu, Fenglin Liu, Shiqiang Zhao, Yunlan Su, Dujin Wang, Qiang Shen*. Crystallization and oriented attachment of monohydrocalcite and its crystalline phase transformation.
CrystEngComm (IF=3.756, SCI二区), 15 (2013) 509.
(5) Chenhao Zhao, Fan Feng, Xinxin Wang, Rui Liu, Shiqiang Zhao, Qiang Shen*. Synthesis of porous AMn2O4 (A= Zn, Zn0. 5Co0. 5, Co) microspheres and their comparative lithium storage performances.
Powder Technology (IF=5.640, SCI二区), 261 (2014) 55.
(4) Ruiping Liu, Chao Shen, Chao Zhang, James Iocozzia, Qi Wang, Shiqiang Zhao, Kunjie Yuan, Zhiqun Lin*.Hierarchical bicomponent TiO2 hollow spheres as a new high-capacity anode material for lithium-ion batteries.
Journal of Materials Science (IF=4.682, SCI三区), 53 (2018) 8499.
(3) Ruiping Liu, Weiming Su, Chao Shen, James Iocozzia, Shiqiang Zhao, Kunjie Yuan, Ning Zhang, Chang-an Wang, Zhiqun Lin*. Hydrothermal synthesis of hollow SnO2 spheres with excellent electrochemical performance for anodes in lithium ion batteries.
Materials Research Bulletin (IF=5.600, SCI三区), 96 (2017) 443.
(2) Chenhao Zhao, Wenpei Kang, Xinxin Wang, Shiqiang Zhao, Qiang Shen*.Sacrificial templating synthesis of rod-like LiNixMn2−xO4 spinels and their improved cycling performance.
Micro & Nano Letters (IF=0.980 , SCI四区), 7 (2012) 558
(1) Chenhao Zhao, Wenpei Kang, Shiqiang Zhao, Qiang Shen*.Hydrazine–hydrothermal synthesis of pure-phase O-LiMnO2 for lithium-ion battery application.
Micro & Nano Letters (IF=0.980, SCI四区), 6 (2011) 820
(8)赵世强、费佳敏、王舜、金辉乐,一种米粒状碳酸锰复合石墨烯高性能储锂材料及锂电池(20240604授权 ZL 202111177995.5)。【授权】
(7)赵世强、李广辉、王舜、金辉乐,一种纳米片状草酸锡高性能储锂储钠材料及电池(20240528授权 ZL 202111177998.9)。【授权】
(6)赵世强、谢富荣、王舜、金辉乐,一种草酸辅助合成二氧化锡纳米颗粒复合石墨烯高性能储锂储钠材料的制备方法及其应用,(20240405 授权 ZL 202111177997.4)。【授权】
(5)王舜、赵世强、李广辉、金辉乐、刘权锦、张智栋、王龙玉,一种锡铁合金纳米颗粒高性能储锂储钠材料及其应用(20240517 授权 ZL202111460365.9)。【授权】
(4)王舜、赵世强、费佳敏、金辉乐、黄磊、林幸胜、金盟凯,一种亚微米棒状碳酸钴复合石墨烯高性能储锂材料及锂离子电池(20240517 授权 ZL202111476948.0)。【授权】
(3)王舜、赵世强、李广辉、金辉乐、李菲、吴瑞洁、姚昊天,一种锡微米颗粒复合石墨烯高性能储锂储钠材料及其应用(20230718 授权 ZL 202111476950.8)。【授权】
(2)沈强, 赵世强, 刘睿, 赵陈浩,一种PbO1.44空心球状聚集体的可控制备方法(ZL 201210445288.4)。【授权】
(1)沈强, 赵世强, 张贺, 王雨曦, 刘新茹,一种碳酸氢镍空心球状聚集体(ZL 201410151621.X)。【授权】
【项目, Projects】
(9) 长循环氟化物纳米复合储钠正极的限域衍生及协同增效机制探究。温州市级基础性科研项目(经费资助项目)(主持),项目号:G20240025,期限:2024.07- 2026.06(在研)。
(8) 浙江省普通本科高校“十四五”首批新工科、新医科、新农科、新文科重点教材建设项目。《能源化学综合实验》(新工科,新编教材)[教材建设项目](主持)。浙江省高等教育学会,浙高教学会[2023]1号(已结题,出版教材《能源化学综合实验》(主编:赵世强、王舜、陈锡安),化学工业出版社,出版号:978-7-122-45996-1)。
(7) 地方高校基础学科拔尖创新人才培养模式的改革与实践[教学改革项目]。浙江省“十四五”跨学科人才培养项目(参与),项目号:jg20220523,期限:2023.01- 2024.12(在研)。
(6) 廉价过渡金属氟化物高容量钠电正极的同相粗化抑制设计及储能机理原位探究。浙江省自然科学基金-探索一般项目(主持),项目号:LY23B030001,经费:10万,期限:2023.01- 2025.12(在研)。
(5)单分散过渡金属碳酸盐/石墨烯纳米复合储钠材料的精准合成、协同增效及储能机理研究。国家自然科学基金-青年科学基金(主持),项目号:21905208,经费:30万,期限:2020.1 - 2022.12(已结题)。
(4) 温州大学高层次人才引进科研启动经费 (负责人),期限:2019.12 - 2029.12。
(3) 碳酸锰/石墨烯及其派生的氧化锰/石墨烯纳米复合电极的表界面活性和界面储锂机制的研究。国家自然科学基金-面上项目(参与,第二完成人),经费:65万, 期限:2017.1 - 2020.12(已结题)。
(2)过渡金属(钴、铁、锰或镍)碳酸盐-氧化石墨烯纳米复合电极的表界面活性或表界面储锂机制的研究。山东省自然科学基金-面上项目(参与,第二完成人),经费:16万,期限:2016.1 - 2019.12(已结题)。
(1) “无机碳酸盐/有机导电聚合物”新型复合纳米结构的可控制备及其功能化。山东大学基本科研业务费资助项目(参与,第二完成人),经费:40万,期限:2014.1 - 2016.12(已结题)。
【学术会议,Academic Conferences】
(3) The 4th Nano Materials and Devices Innovation and Development Conference (NMDIDC 2024),第4届纳米材料与器件创新发展大会(2024),中国-温州,2024.09.20-23。第10分会秘书,10分会主题:纳米学科与人才培养。
(2) The 22nd International Meeting on Lithium batteries (IMLB 2024),第22届国际锂电池大会(2024),中国-香港,2024.06.16-21。
(1) The 2nd International Conference on Elecrochemical Energy Systems (ICEES 2021),第2届国际电化学能源系统大会(2021),中国-绍兴,2021.05.14-17。邀请报告(Invited Talk)题目:“过渡金属碳酸盐的超高储锂容量来源及性能优化策略”“Sources of Ultrahigh Lithium Storage Capacity and Strategies of Performance Enhancement of Transition Metal Carbonates (MCO3)”。
【网页报道,Web Reports】
(15) 温州大学赵世强Carbon Energy:石墨烯限域固相前驱衍生纳米单晶组装MnCO3空心纺锤实现超高电容/界面储锂
//mp.weixin.qq.com/s/0_Zrod44CgVFJ2blIw1j2A 【Wiley MaterialsViews 微信公众号】
//mp.weixin.qq.com/s/MEHalrzgjKnaPBjR6bhZ5w 【Carbon Energy 微信公众号】
//mp.weixin.qq.com/s/kyg4MbIRf7yN9LL7dXdwuA 【储能学术圈 微信公众号】
//mp.weixin.qq.com/s/7jQj4ztFRjEa16lKOSJHNA 【环材有料 微信公众号】
(14) 新澳门六合彩资料
赵世强副教授在国际著名期刊Carbon Energy发表学术论文
//www.lhcziliao.com/info/1237/43674.htm 【温州大学主页-学术温大】
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(13) 新澳门六合彩资料
//lhcziliao.com/info/2597/39762.htm 【温州大学新澳门六合彩资料
(12) 温州大学王舜教授团队在储能材料研究获系列进展
//mp.weixin.qq.com/s/r3CjCfC9EpRsqbD-IIFyng 【新材料资讯 微信公众号】
//it.sohu.com/a/615295460_120370286 【小材科研 网页公众号】
(11) 新澳门六合彩资料
//lhcziliao.com/info/2597/39641.htm 【温州大学新澳门六合彩资料
(10) 新澳门六合彩资料
赵世强&何坤&肖遥博士受邀担任国际能源期刊 Frontiers in Energy Research电池专刊客座主编
//lhcziliao.com/info/2597/38941.htm 【温州大学新澳门六合彩资料
(9) 新澳门六合彩资料
王舜&赵世强团队研究论文被国际能源顶级期刊Advanced Energy Materials选为封面文章
//www.lhcziliao.com/info/1237/40817.htm 【温州大学主页-学术温大】
//mp.weixin.qq.com/s/yg2FuJBSFFtlCLfiXw3fpA 【温州大学新澳门六合彩资料
(8) 崔光磊、周光敏、万佳雨、赵世强教授领衔,权威解读电池前沿研究——Carbon Energy首个影响因子今晚公布!共聚瓯江学术论坛电池专场(2022年6月28日19:00)
//mp.weixin.qq.com/s/1OmhM5XqpT73w82RvHZujw【Wiley MaterialsViews 微信公众号】
//mp.weixin.qq.com/s/3g_8N3MsCUynAu_3W6DNWA 【Carbon Energy 微信公众号】
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//lhcziliao.com/info/2536/38264.htm; //www.koushare.com/lives/room/535222;
(7) 温州大学赵世强副教授做客新澳门六合彩资料
(6) 新澳门六合彩资料
王舜&赵世强团队在国际能源顶级期刊Advanced Energy Materials发表学术论文
(5) 新澳门六合彩资料
//xiaoyuanwang.lhcziliao.com/info/1062/72055.htm; //lhcziliao.com/info/1003/27156.htm
(4) 新澳门六合彩资料
//lhcziliao.com/info/1003/23026.htm 【温州大学新澳门六合彩资料
//www.163.com/dy/article/FD0J35HN0534AY7Z.html 【温州都市报-网易号】
(3) 新澳门六合彩资料
//www.lhcziliao.com/info/1237/35214.htm 【温州大学主页-学术温大】
//lhcziliao.com/info/1003/22664.htm 【温州大学新澳门六合彩资料
(2) AEM:物理屏障、孔隙边界、异质界面——抑制Sn粗化增强SnO2储锂/钠/钾反应可逆性
//mp.weixin.qq.com/s/_LSSfN5gntoHrvMLVRrSHQ 【Wiley MaterialsViews 微信公众号】
(1) AEM:氨基酸功能化氧化石墨烯模板法控制生长超薄Co2(OH)2CO3纳米片实现高效储锂/储钠
//mp.weixin.qq.com/s/FA3J8BAkhmf2rD3QobWDqA 【Wiley MaterialsViews 微信公众号】