

祝贺梁晓娟和向卫东老师指导研究生在Journal of the European Ceramic Society上发表学术论文

添加时间:2017年12月18日 浏览:

标题:Novel CsPbI3 QDs glass with chemical stability and optical properties

AbstactBright and tunable photoluminescence properties for cesium lead halide (CsPbX3) quantum dots (QDs) hinder itsapplication due to their easy degradation in humid and high temperature conditions. Here, we present a simple approach to fabricate a novel CsPbI3 QDs in zinc borosilicate glass through a conventional meltingquenching technique. CsPbI3 QDs glass exhibits high luminescent intensity, tunable narrow-band emission, including the same bandgap energies and emission spectra as CsPbI3 QDs solution, but the quantum yield and decay time show a reduction for the structure defect and electron-hole consist in CsPbI3 QDs glass. Moreover, different heattreated temperature effect the luminescence of CsPbI3 QDs glass. Absorption and photoluminescence spectra demonstrate that 540 °C is the ideal heat-treated temperature for CsPbI3 QDs glass. Consequently, this novel and stable CsPbI3 QDs glass reveals the promising candidate for all-inorganic perovskite in display and solid-state warm lighting source.
