

祝贺梁晓娟和向卫东老师指导研究生在Journal of Alloys and Compounds上发表学术论文

添加时间:2017年12月14日 浏览:

标题:Efficient white LEDs with bright green-emitting CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystal in mesoporous silica nanoparticles

AbstactMetal-halide perovskites have been hailed as remarkable materials for photovoltaic devices and, recently, their star has also been on the rise in optoelectronics and photonics. Nevertheless, challenging issues, such as the thermal/chemical stability and high-performance devices with long-term stability, limit their practical applications. Here, we successfully prepared CsPbBr3 NCs incorporated into mesoporous silica (NCs-MS) by a simple stirred of MS with CsPbBr3 NCs blended in toluene solution. The resultant NCs-MS nanocomposite exhibit excellent optical performance and good thermal and photostability under illumination of UV light for 120 h.  additionally, NCs-MS nanocomposite is resistant to water, which are beneficial for the fabrication of white light-emitting diode (WLED) devices. Thereby a WLED was constructed by combining NCs-MS nanocomposite with Sr2Si5N8:Eu2þ red phosphor on an InGaN blue chip, achieving a highly efficient luminous efficacy of 47.6 lm/W. Moreover, the WLED also demonstrate wonderful color stability under 120 mA current. This work opens up the exciting opportunity of using allinorganic CsPbBr3 NCs-MS nanocomposite for high performance and low-cost WLEDs applications.
