近日,潘跃晓老师指导的研究生席陆青在J. Mater. Chem. C(SCI工程技术一区期刊,影响因子:5.2)上发表题为“Room-temperature synthesis and optimized photoluminescence of a novel red phosphor NaKSnF6:Mn4+ for application in warm WLEDs”的学术文章,并被邀请作为封面文章(Front cover)。该学生在温大攻读硕士学位3年间,刻苦学习,品学兼优,已分别获得了以下科研成果与奖项。
所获科研成果 :
1、已发表文章SCI二区以上学术论文7篇 (第一作者5篇)
(1) L. Q. Xi(席陆青), Y. X. Pan,* M. M. Zhu, H. Z. Lian, J. Lin,* Room-temperature synthesis and optimized photoluminescence of a novel red phosphor NaKSnF6:Mn4+ for application in warm WLEDs. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2017, 5, 9255-9263 |
(2) L. Q. Xi(席陆青), Y. X. Pan,* X. Chen, S. M. Huang,* M. M. Wu, Optimized photoluminescence of red phosphor Na2SnF6:Mn4+ as red phosphor in the application in “warm” white LEDs. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 2017, 100 (5), 2005-2015.
(3) L. Q. Xi(席陆青), Y. X. Pan,* Tailored photoluminescence properties of a red phosphor BaSnF6:Mn4+ synthesized from Sn metal at room temperature and its formation mechanism. Materials Research Bulletin 2017, 86, 57-62.
(4) L. Q. Xi(席陆青), Y. X. Pan,* S. M. Huang,* G. K. Liu, Mn4+ doped (NH4)2TiF6 and (NH4)2SiF6 micro-crystal phosphors: synthesis through ion exchange at room temperature and their photoluminescence properties. RSC Advances 2016, 6 (80), 76251-76258.
(5) Z. Chen, Y. X. Pan,* L. Q. Xi(席陆青), R. Pang, S. M. Huang,* G. K. Liu, Tunable Yellow-Red Photoluminescence and Persistent Afterglow in Phosphors Ca4LaO(BO3)3:Eu3+ and Ca4EuO(BO3)3. Inorganic Chemistry 2016, 55 (21), 11249-11257.
(6) L. Q. Xi (席陆青), Y. X. Pan,* M. M. Zhu, H. Z. Lian, J. Lin,* Abnormal site occupancy and high performance in warm WLEDs of a novel red phosphor NaHF2:Mn4+ synthesized at room temperature,Dalton Transactions,2017,已接收。
(7) M. M. Zhu, Y. X. Pan*, L. Q. Xi (席陆青), H. Z. Lian, J. Lin, Design, preparation, and optimized luminescence of a dodec-fluoride phosphor Li3Na3Al2F12:Mn4+ for warm WLEDs application, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2017, 已接收。
(1) 一种四价锰离子掺杂的铵盐红光材料及其制备方法,公开/公告号: CN105733575A
(2) 一种Mn4+掺杂的氟化氢纳红光材料及其制备方法,公开(公告)号 CN106318381A
(3) 一种基于氟锆盐的白光LED用红光材料及其制备方法,公开(公告)号 CN107033891A
(4) 一种氟锡酸钾钠掺Mn4+的红光材料及其制备方法,公开(公告)号 CN107057695A
(1) 2016.11第14 届全国发光学学术会议中题为的“Mn4+ doped (NH4)2TiF6 and (NH4)2SiF6 microcrystal phosphors for application in WLED”墙报,获得优秀墙报奖
(2) 2015~2017连续两学年获研究生学业一等奖学金(且综合排名年级第一)
(3) 2016~2017学年获校级“优秀研究生干部”(学院共六人)
(4) 2016~2017教学实践中被评为优秀
(5) 2016~2017被评为新澳门六合彩资料
(6) 2015~2016被评为新澳门六合彩资料
(7) 2015~2016学年获校级“优秀学生共产党员”(学院共三人)